MCQs on Harappan Civilization – Ancient World History

Q1. Harappan Civilization is also known as:
a) Indus Valley Civilization
b) Mesopotamian Civilization
c) Egyptian Civilization
d) Chinese Civilization

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Correct Answer: a) Indus Valley Civilization
Explanation: Harappan Civilization, also known as Indus Valley Civilization, was a Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the northwestern regions of South Asia.

Q2. Which modern-day country has the majority of Harappan Civilization sites?
a) India
b) Pakistan
c) Afghanistan
d) Iran

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Correct Answer: b) Pakistan
Explanation: The majority of Harappan Civilization sites are located in present-day Pakistan, particularly in the provinces of Sindh and Punjab.

Q3. What was the primary occupation of most people in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Soldiers
b) Merchants
c) Farmers
d) Priests

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Correct Answer: c) Farmers
Explanation: Most people in the Harappan Civilization were farmers, as the fertile land along the Indus River provided ideal conditions for agriculture.

Q4. Which of the following is a major city of the Harappan Civilization?
a) Harappa
b) Babylon
c) Athens
d) Rome

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Correct Answer: a) Harappa
Explanation: Harappa was a major city of the Harappan Civilization, located in present-day Pakistan.

Q5. Which river was the Harappan Civilization primarily centered around?
a) Nile
b) Tigris
c) Euphrates
d) Indus

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Correct Answer: d) Indus
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization was primarily centered around the Indus River, which provided fertile land for agriculture and trade.

Q6. What was the primary building material used in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Stone
b) Wood
c) Mud-bricks
d) Marble

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Correct Answer: c) Mud-bricks
Explanation: Mud-bricks were the primary building material used in the Harappan Civilization due to the scarcity of stone and wood in the region.

Q7. Which of the following was a significant achievement of the Harappan Civilization?
a) Development of a standardized system of weights and measures
b) Invention of the wheel
c) Construction of the Great Wall
d) Development of the alphabet

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Correct Answer: a) Development of a standardized system of weights and measures
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization developed the first accurate system of standardized weights and measures, some as accurate as to 1.6 mm.

Q8. What was the primary purpose of the Great Bath found at Mohenjo-Daro?
a) A public swimming pool
b) A religious ritual site
c) A water storage facility
d) A sewage treatment plant

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Correct Answer: b) A religious ritual site
Explanation: The Great Bath at Mohenjo-Daro was likely used for religious rituals, as it is believed to have been a site for ritual purification.

Q9. Which of the following animals was considered sacred in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Cow
b) Elephant
c) Lion
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: d) None of the above
Explanation: Unlike later Indian civilizations, there is no evidence to suggest that any specific animal was considered sacred in the Harappan Civilization.

Q10. What was the Harappan Civilization’s system of writing called?
a) Hieroglyphics
b) Cuneiform
c) Linear B
d) Indus script

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Correct Answer: d) Indus script
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization used a system of writing called the Indus script, which remains undeciphered.

Q11. Which of the following was a major trade partner of the Harappan Civilization?
a) Mesopotamia
b) Egypt
c) China
d) Greece

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Correct Answer: a) Mesopotamia
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization had extensive trade relations with Mesopotamia, as evidenced by the presence of Harappan seals and artifacts in Mesopotamian sites.

Q12. What was the primary method of transportation in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Chariots
b) Horses
c) Boats
d) Camels

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Correct Answer: c) Boats
Explanation: Boats were the primary method of transportation in the Harappan Civilization due to the extensive network of rivers and canals in the region.

Q13. Which of the following metals was commonly used in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Iron
b) Bronze
c) Gold
d) Silver

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Correct Answer: b) Bronze
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization, and bronze was commonly used for making tools, weapons, and artifacts.

Q14. What was the primary purpose of the seals found in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Decoration
b) Identification and trade
c) Religious rituals
d) Currency

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Correct Answer: b) Identification and trade
Explanation: The seals found in the Harappan Civilization were primarily used for identification and trade purposes, as they often featured images of animals, plants, and symbols.

Q15. Which of the following was not a major city of the Harappan Civilization?
a) Harappa
b) Mohenjo-Daro
c) Lothal
d) Athens

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Correct Answer: d) Athens
Explanation: Athens was not a major city of the Harappan Civilization, as it was a city in ancient Greece.

Q16. What was the primary purpose of the granaries found in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Storage of grains
b) Housing for the elite
c) Religious rituals
d) Marketplaces

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Correct Answer: a) Storage of grains
Explanation: The granaries found in the Harappan Civilization were primarily used for the storage of grains, as agriculture was a major part of their economy.

Q17. What was the primary purpose of the citadels found in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Royal palaces
b) Defensive structures
c) Religious centers
d) Marketplaces

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Correct Answer: b) Defensive structures
Explanation: The citadels found in the Harappan Civilization were primarily used as defensive structures, protecting the cities from potential invaders.

Q18. Which of the following was a major export of the Harappan Civilization?
a) Cotton
b) Silk
c) Spices
d) Wine

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Correct Answer: a) Cotton
Explanation: Cotton was a major export of the Harappan Civilization, as they were one of the first civilizations to cultivate and produce cotton textiles for trade.

Q19. What was the primary purpose of the dockyard found at Lothal?
a) A naval base
b) A shipbuilding center
c) A trading port
d) A religious center

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Correct Answer: c) A trading port
Explanation: The dockyard found at Lothal, a major city of the Harappan Civilization, was primarily used as a trading port, facilitating the exchange of goods between the Indus Valley and other regions.

Q20. What was the primary method of waste disposal in the Harappan Civilization?
a) Open-air pits
b) Landfills
c) Sewer systems
d) Burning

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Correct Answer: c) Sewer systems
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization had a sophisticated system of waste disposal, including well-planned sewer systems and drainage channels that carried waste away from residential areas.

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