MCQs on the Post Gupta period and Vardhana Dynasty – Ancient Indian History

Q1. Who founded the Vardhana Dynasty?
A) Harsha
B) Rajyavardhana
C) Prabhakaravardhana
D) Yasovardhana

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Correct Answer: C) Prabhakaravardhana
Explanation: Prabhakaravardhana founded the Vardhana Dynasty in the 6th century CE.

Q2. Who was the most famous ruler of the Vardhana Dynasty?
A) Harsha
B) Rajyavardhana
C) Prabhakaravardhana
D) Yasovardhana

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Correct Answer: A) Harsha
Explanation: Harsha was the most famous ruler of the Vardhana Dynasty and is known for his patronage of Buddhism and the construction of many Buddhist stupas and monasteries.

Q3. What was the capital of the Vardhana Dynasty?
A) Pataliputra
B) Kannauj
C) Magadha
D) Ujjain

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Correct Answer: B) Kannauj
Explanation: Kannauj was the capital of the Vardhana Dynasty during the reign of Harsha.

Q4. Who was the famous Chinese traveler who visited India during the reign of Harsha?
A) Fa-Hien
B) Xuanzang
C) Zheng He
D) Marco Polo

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Correct Answer: B) Xuanzang
Explanation: Xuanzang was a famous Chinese traveler who visited India during the reign of Harsha and is known for his detailed accounts of Indian culture and society.

Q5. Who was the famous poet who lived during the Vardhana Dynasty?
A) Kalidasa
B) Tulsidas
C) Surdas
D) Banabhatta

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Correct Answer: D) Banabhatta
Explanation: Banabhatta was a famous poet who lived during the Vardhana Dynasty and is known for his work, “Harshacharita”.

Q6. Who was the famous philosopher who lived during the Vardhana Dynasty?
A) Shankaracharya
B) Ramanujacharya
C) Madhvacharya
D) Nagarjuna

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Correct Answer: D) Nagarjuna
Explanation: Nagarjuna was a famous philosopher who lived during the Vardhana Dynasty and is known for his contributions to the development of Mahayana Buddhism.

Q7. Who was the famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty?
A) Pulakeshin II
B) Harsha
C) Rajendra Chola
D) Narasimhavarman I

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Correct Answer: A) Pulakeshin II
Explanation: Pulakeshin II was a famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty who is known for his military conquests and patronage of art and architecture.

Q8. Who was the famous ruler of the Pallava dynasty?
A) Narasimhavarman I
B) Ashoka
C) Harsha
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Narasimhavarman I
Explanation: Narasimhavarman I was a famous ruler of the Pallava dynasty who is known for his patronage of art and architecture.

Q9. Who was the famous ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty?
A) Dantidurga
B) Pulakeshin II
C) Rajendra Chola
D) Narasimhavarman I

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Correct Answer: A) Dantidurga
Explanation: Dantidurga was a famous ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty who is known for his military conquests and patronage of art and architecture.

Q10. Who was the famous ruler of the Pala dynasty?
A) Dharmapala
B) Pulakeshin II
C) Rajendra Chola
D) Narasimhavarman I

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Correct Answer: A) Dharmapala
Explanation: Dharmapala was a famous ruler of the Pala dynasty who is known for his patronage of Buddhism and the construction of many Buddhist stupas and monasteries.

Q11. Who was the famous ruler of the Pratihara dynasty?
A) Bhoja
B) Harsha
C) Rajendra Chola
D) Narasimhavarman I

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Correct Answer: A) Bhoja
Explanation: Bhoja was a famous ruler of the Pratihara dynasty who is known for his patronage of art and literature.

Q12. Who was the famous ruler of the Chola dynasty?
A) Rajendra Chola
B) Ashoka
C) Harsha
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Rajendra Chola
Explanation: Rajendra Chola was a famous ruler of the Chola dynasty who is known for his naval expeditions and conquests.

Q13. Who was the famous ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty who defeated the Chalukyas?
A) Dantidurga
B) Pulakeshin II
C) Rajendra Chola
D) Narasimhavarman I

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Correct Answer: B) Pulakeshin II
Explanation: Pulakeshin II was a famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty who was defeated by the Rashtrakuta ruler, Dantidurga.

Q14. Who was the famous ruler of the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty who defeated the Arab invaders?
A) Bhoja
B) Harsha
C) Rajendra Chola
D) Nagabhata II

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Correct Answer: D) Nagabhata II
Explanation: Nagabhata II was a famous ruler of the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty who defeated the Arab invaders and is known for his military prowess.

Q15. Who was the famous ruler of the Palas who was known for his patronage of Buddhism?
A) Dharmapala
B) Devapala
C) Mahipala
D) Ramapala

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Correct Answer: A) Dharmapala
Explanation: Dharmapala was a famous ruler of the Pala dynasty who is known for his patronage of Buddhism and the construction of many Buddhist stupas and monasteries.

Q16. Who was the famous ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty who was known for his patronage of art and literature?
A) Dantidurga
B) Pulakeshin II
C) Amoghavarsha I
D) Narasimhavarman I

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Correct Answer: C) Amoghavarsha I
Explanation: Amoghavarsha I was a famous ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty who is known for his patronage of art and literature.

Q17. Who was the famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty who was known for his patronage of art and architecture?
A) Pulakeshin II
B) Harsha
C) Rajendra Chola
D) Narasimhavarman I

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Correct Answer: A) Pulakeshin II
Explanation: Pulakeshin II was a famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty who is known for his patronage of art and architecture.

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