MCQs on Maurya Period – Ancient Indian History

Q1. Who founded the Mauryan dynasty?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: C) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan dynasty by defeating Dhana Nanda with the help of Chanakya (Kautilya).

Q2. Who was the successor of Chandragupta Maurya?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Kanishka
D) Dasharatha

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Correct Answer: B) Bindusara
Explanation: Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by his son Bindusara.

Q3. Who was the most famous Mauryan emperor?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka was the son of Bindusara and is considered the most famous Mauryan emperor.

Q4. What was the capital of the Mauryan empire?
A) Pataliputra
B) Taxila
C) Ujjain
D) Magadha

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Correct Answer: A) Pataliputra
Explanation: Pataliputra was the capital of the Mauryan empire.

Q5. Who was the Greek ambassador to the Mauryan court?
A) Alexander
B) Seleucus
C) Megasthenes
D) Porus

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Correct Answer: C) Megasthenes
Explanation: Megasthenes was the Greek ambassador to the Mauryan court during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya.

Q6. Who was the Mauryan emperor who converted to Buddhism?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka converted to Buddhism after the Kalinga war.

Q7. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his policy of Dhamma?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Explanation: Ashoka was known for his policy of Dhamma, which emphasized moral and ethical principles.

Q8. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known as Amitraghata?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: B) Bindusara
Explanation: Bindusara was known as Amitraghata, which means “slayer of

Q9. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his military conquests?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: C) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: Chandragupta Maurya was known for his military conquests, which included the defeat of the Nanda dynasty.

Q10. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his patronage of Buddhism?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka was known for his patronage of Buddhism and the construction of many Buddhist stupas and monasteries.

Q11. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his edicts?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka was known for his edicts, which were inscribed on pillars and rocks throughout his empire.

Q12. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his policy of non-violence?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka was known for his policy of non-violence, which he adopted after the Kalinga war.

Q13. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was succeeded by his grandson?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka was succeeded by his grandson, Dasharatha.

Q14. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his administrative reforms?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: C) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: Chandragupta Maurya was known for his administrative reforms, which included the establishment of a centralized bureaucracy.

Q15. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his military alliance with Seleucus?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: C) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: Chandragupta Maurya formed a military alliance with Seleucus, the Greek ruler of the Seleucid empire.

Q16. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his conquest of Kalinga?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka conquered Kalinga in a brutal war, which led to his conversion to Buddhism.

Q17. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his patronage of arts and literature?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka was known for his patronage of arts and literature, which included the creation of many Buddhist texts and the construction of many stupas and monasteries.

Q18. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his construction of the Ashoka pillars?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka constructed many pillars throughout his empire, which were inscribed with his edicts and other messages.

Q19. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was known for his construction of the Sanchi stupa?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: A) Ashoka
Explanation: Ashoka constructed the Sanchi stupa, which is one of the most famous Buddhist monuments in India.

Q20. Who was the Mauryan emperor who was succeeded by the Sunga dynasty?
A) Ashoka
B) Bindusara
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Kanishka

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Correct Answer: B) Bindusara
Explanation: After the death of Bindusara, his son Ashoka was succeeded by his grandson Dasharatha. However, the Mauryan dynasty declined after Ashoka’s death and was eventually replaced by the Sunga dynasty.

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