MCQ on Ancient Indian History Set 1

MCQs on Religious Movement of the Mahajanapada Period – Ancient Indian History

Q1. Which religious movement emerged during the Mahajanapada Period?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: The Mahajanapada Period witnessed the emergence of both Buddhism and Jainism as significant religious movements in ancient India.

Q2. Who was the founder of Buddhism?
a) Mahavira
b) Gautam Buddha
c) Ashoka
d) Chandragupta Maurya

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Correct Answer: b) Gautam Buddha
Explanation: Gautam Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, was the founder of Buddhism. He attained enlightenment and preached the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

Q3. Who was the founder of Jainism?
a) Mahavira
b) Gautam Buddha
c) Ashoka
d) Chandragupta Maurya

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Correct Answer: a) Mahavira
Explanation: Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana Mahavira, was the founder of Jainism. He preached the principles of non-violence, truth, and asceticism.

Q4. What was the main focus of Buddhism?
a) Rituals and sacrifices
b) Worship of multiple gods
c) Liberation from suffering
d) Social hierarchy

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Correct Answer: c) Liberation from suffering
Explanation: Buddhism emphasized the concept of liberation from suffering, known as Nirvana, through the practice of the Eightfold Path and the renunciation of worldly desires.

Q5. What was the main focus of Jainism?
a) Rituals and sacrifices
b) Worship of multiple gods
c) Liberation from suffering
d) Non-violence and spiritual purity

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Correct Answer: d) Non-violence and spiritual purity
Explanation: Jainism emphasized the principles of non-violence (ahimsa) and spiritual purity (sattva), along with the practice of asceticism and self-discipline.

Q6. Which religious movement believed in the concept of karma and rebirth?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism believed in the concepts of karma (the law of cause and effect) and rebirth (the cycle of birth and death).

Q7. Which religious movement rejected the authority of the Vedas?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism rejected the authority of the Vedas, which were considered sacred texts in Hinduism.

Q8. Which religious movement advocated for the equality of all beings?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism advocated for the equality of all beings and emphasized the importance of compassion and non-violence towards all living creatures.

Q9. Which religious movement gained significant patronage from Emperor Ashoka?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: a) Buddhism
Explanation: Emperor Ashoka of the Maurya Empire played a crucial role in the spread and promotion of Buddhism, becoming one of its most prominent patrons.

Q10. Which religious movement emphasized the importance of meditation and mindfulness?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: a) Buddhism
Explanation: Buddhism placed great emphasis on meditation and mindfulness as means to achieve enlightenment and develop a deeper understanding of the self and the world.

Q11. Which religious movement believed in the existence of soul (atman)?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: d) Hinduism
Explanation: Hinduism, unlike Buddhism and Jainism, believed in the existence of the soul (atman) and its connection to the ultimate reality (Brahman).

Q12. Which religious movement rejected the caste system?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism rejected the caste system and emphasized the equality of all individuals, regardless of their social status.

Q13. Which religious movement encouraged the renunciation of worldly possessions?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism encouraged their followers to renounce worldly possessions and adopt a simple and ascetic lifestyle.

Q14. Which religious movement believed in the existence of multiple realms or heavens?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism believed in the existence of multiple realms or heavens, as well as lower realms or hells, based on one’s actions and karma.

Q15. Which religious movement emphasized the importance of ethical conduct and moral values?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism emphasized the importance of ethical conduct and moral values, such as truthfulness, non-violence, and compassion.

Q16. Which religious movement attracted followers from various social backgrounds?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism attracted followers from various social backgrounds, including kings, merchants, and common people, due to their inclusive and egalitarian teachings.

Q17. Which religious movement had a significant impact on the social and cultural fabric of ancient India?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism had a significant impact on the social and cultural fabric of ancient India, influencing art, architecture, literature, and philosophical thought.

Q18. Which religious movement contributed to the spread of vernacular languages in ancient India?
a) Buddhism
b) Jainism
c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Both Buddhism and Jainism
Explanation: Both Buddhism and Jainism played a role in the spread of vernacular languages.

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