MCQ on Ancient Indian History Set 1

MCQs on Harappan / Indus Civilization – Ancient Indian History

Q1. Which of the following is not a feature of the Harappan Civilization?
a) Advanced urban planning
b) Use of iron tools
c) Sophisticated drainage system
d) Standardized weights and measures

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Correct Answer: b) Use of iron tools
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization did not use iron tools, but instead used copper and bronze tools.

Q2. Which river was the Harappan Civilization located near?
a) Ganges
b) Yamuna
c) Indus
d) Brahmaputra

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Correct Answer: c) Indus
Explanation: The Harappan Civilization was located near the Indus River, which is why it is also known as the Indus Valley Civilization.

Q3. Which of the following is not a major Harappan site?
a) Harappa
b) Mohenjo-daro
c) Lothal
d) Pataliputra

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Correct Answer: d) Pataliputra
Explanation: Pataliputra was a major city in Ancient India, but it was not part of the Harappan Civilization.

Q4. What was the main occupation of the people of the Harappan Civilization?
a) Agriculture
b) Fishing
c) Hunting
d) Trading

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Correct Answer: a) Agriculture
Explanation: The people of the Harappan Civilization were primarily engaged in agriculture, and they grew crops such as wheat, barley, and cotton.

Q5. Which animal was not domesticated by the Harappans?
a) Cow
b) Sheep
c) Goat
d) Horse

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Correct Answer: d) Horse
Explanation: The Harappans did not domesticate horses, but they did use them for transportation and in warfare.

Q6. Which of the following was not a Harappan craft?
a) Pottery
b) Weaving
c) Metalworking
d) Glassblowing

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Correct Answer: d) Glassblowing
Explanation: The Harappans did not practice glassblowing, but they were skilled in pottery, weaving, and metalworking.

Q7. Which script was used in Harappan inscriptions?
a) Brahmi
b) Kharosthi
c) Devanagari
d) Undeciphered

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Correct Answer: d) Undeciphered
Explanation: The script used in Harappan inscriptions has not been deciphered, so we do not know what language it represents.

Q8. Which of the following was not a Harappan deity?
a) Shiva
b) Vishnu
c) Pashupati
d) Mother Goddess

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Correct Answer: b) Vishnu
Explanation: The Harappans worshipped a variety of deities, including Shiva, Pashupati, and the Mother Goddess, but Vishnu was not one of them.

Q9. Which of the following was not a Harappan game?
a) Chess
b) Dice
c) Board games
d) Racing

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Correct Answer: a) Chess
Explanation: Chess was not played by the Harappans, but they did play dice, board games, and racing games.

Q10. Which of the following was not a Harappan trade item?
a) Cotton
b) Spices
c) Precious stones
d) Silk

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Correct Answer: d) Silk
Explanation: Silk was not traded by the Harappans, but they did trade in cotton, spices, and precious stones.

Q11. Which of the following was not a Harappan metal?
a) Copper
b) Bronze
c) Iron
d) Gold

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Correct Answer: c) Iron
Explanation: The Harappans did not use iron, but they were skilled in working with copper, bronze, and gold.

Q12. Which of the following was not a Harappan animal motif?
a) Bull
b) Elephant
c) Tiger
d) Lion

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Correct Answer: b) Elephant
Explanation: The Harappans did not use elephant motifs in their art, but they did use bull, tiger, and lion motifs.

Q13. Which of the following was not a Harappan musical instrument?
a) Flute
b) Harp
c) Drum
d) Piano

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Correct Answer: d) Piano
Explanation: The Harappans did not use pianos, but they did use flutes, harps, and drums.

Q14. Which of the following was not a Harappan social class?
a) Priests
b) Merchants
c) Warriors
d) Slaves

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Correct Answer: d) Slaves
Explanation: Slavery was not a significant institution in the Harappan Civilization, but there were distinct social classes such as priests, merchants, and warriors.

Q16. Which of the following was not a Harappan writing material?
a) Papyrus
b) Clay tablets
c) Copper plates
d) Seals

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Correct Answer: a) Papyrus
Explanation: Papyrus was not used in Ancient India, but the Harappans did use clay tablets, copper plates, and seals for writing.

Q17. Which of the following was not a Harappan burial practice?
a) Cremation
b) Inhumation
c) Burial in urns
d) Exposure

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Correct Answer: d) Exposure
Explanation: Exposure, or leaving the dead to be consumed by animals, was not a Harappan burial practice, but they did practice cremation, inhumation, and burial in urns.

Q18. Which of the following was not a Harappan measure of length?
a) Cubit
b) Span
c) Finger
d) Foot

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Correct Answer: d) Foot
Explanation: The Harappans did not use the foot as a measure of length, but they did use the cubit, span, and finger.

Q19. Which of the following was not a Harappan measure of weight?
a) Tola
b) Ratti
c) Masha
d) Pound

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Correct Answer: d) Pound
Explanation: The Harappans did not use the pound as a measure of weight, but they did use the tola, ratti, and masha.

Q20. Which of the following is not a type of Indus artifact?
a) Pottery
b) Jewelry
c) Textiles
d) Manuscripts

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Correct Answer: d) Manuscripts
Explanation: The Indus Civilization did not produce manuscripts, but they did create pottery, jewelry, and textiles.

Q21. Which of the following was not a major Indus architectural feature?
a) Great Bath
b) Granary
c) Stupa
d) Citadel

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Correct Answer: c) Stupa
Explanation: Stupas were a later architectural feature in Ancient India, but the Indus Civilization did build structures such as the Great Bath, granaries, and citadels.

Q22. Which of the following was not a major Indus trade network?
a) Mesopotamia
b) Egypt
c) China
d) Rome

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Correct Answer: d) Rome
Explanation: The Indus Civilization did not have trade relations with Rome, but they did trade with Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China.

Q23. Which of the following was not a major Indus deity associated with fertility?
a) Shiva
b) Pashupati
c) Mother Goddess
d) Kali

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Correct Answer: d) Kali
Explanation: Kali is a later Hindu deity and was not worshipped by the Indus Civilization, but they did worship deities such as Shiva, Pashupati, and the Mother Goddess who were associated with fertility.

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