GK MCQ on Vitamins and Minerals

Q51. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iodine for adults is:
a) 55 µg
b) 150 µg
c) 300 µg
d) 500 µg

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Correct Answer: b) 150 µg
Explanation: The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iodine for adults is 150 micrograms (µg) per day. This amount is essential to ensure proper thyroid function and hormone production.

Q52. In which part of the body is iodine primarily stored?
a) Liver
b) Thyroid gland
c) Pancreas
d) Kidneys

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Correct Answer: b) Thyroid gland
Explanation: Iodine is primarily stored in the thyroid gland. The gland captures circulating iodine to produce thyroid hormones, which are critical for many bodily functions.

Q53. The use of iodine as a disinfectant is based on its:
a) Antibacterial properties
b) Ability to dissolve fats
c) Reactivity with organic matter
d) Oxidizing properties

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Correct Answer: a) Antibacterial properties
Explanation: The use of iodine as a disinfectant is based on its strong antibacterial properties. It’s effective against a wide range of microorganisms and is used in medical settings for skin disinfection and wound treatment.

Q54. The most common method to assess iodine levels in the body is by measuring:
a) Blood iodine concentration
b) Urinary iodine concentration
c) Salivary iodine concentration
d) Hair iodine concentration

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Correct Answer: b) Urinary iodine concentration
Explanation: The most common method to assess iodine levels in the body is by measuring urinary iodine concentration. It is a practical indicator as iodine is excreted through urine and its concentration reflects dietary iodine intake.

Q55. Anaemia caused by iron deficiency is characterized by what?
a) High blood pressure
b) Reduced red blood cell count
c) Increased white blood cell count
d) Elevated platelet count

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Correct Answer: b) Reduced red blood cell count
Explanation: Iron deficiency anaemia is marked by a reduced red blood cell count. Iron is a key component of haemoglobin, which is essential for red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body. A lack of iron thus leads to a decrease in the number of healthy red blood cells.

Q56. Iron is a key component of which part of red blood cells?
a) Plasma
b) Cell membrane
c) Haemoglobin
d) Mitochondria

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Correct Answer: c) Haemoglobin
Explanation: Haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells, contains iron. This is crucial for haemoglobin’s ability to bind oxygen in the lungs and transport it to the rest of the body. Without iron, haemoglobin cannot function effectively.

Q57. The absorption of iron is enhanced by the presence of which vitamin?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D

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Correct Answer: c) Vitamin C
Explanation: Vitamin C significantly enhances the absorption of iron, especially non-haeme iron found in plant-based foods. It converts iron into a form that is more easily absorbed by the body, thus aiding in maintaining adequate iron levels.

Q58. What is the role of iron in the enzyme catalase?
a) Speeds up metabolic reactions
b) Breaks down fatty acids
c) Protects cells from oxidative damage
d) Assists in DNA replication

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Correct Answer: c) Protects cells from oxidative damage
Explanation: Iron is a component of the enzyme catalase, which helps protect cells from oxidative damage by breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. This is vital for cellular health and preventing damage from free radicals.

Q59. Which part of the body is most commonly affected first by iron deficiency?
a) Skin
b) Liver
c) Nails
d) Hair

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Correct Answer: a) Skin
Explanation: The skin is often one of the first areas affected by iron deficiency. Symptoms can include paleness due to reduced haemoglobin and decreased blood flow, as well as other skin changes.

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