GK MCQ on Vitamins and Minerals

Q41. Elderly individuals might have a higher risk of chromium deficiency due to:
a) Increased absorption of chromium
b) Decreased dietary intake of chromium
c) Increased metabolic rate
d) Higher physical activity levels

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Correct Answer: b) Decreased dietary intake of chromium
Explanation: Elderly individuals might have a higher risk of chromium deficiency primarily due to decreased dietary intake and potential changes in metabolism that affect chromium absorption and utilization.

Q42. A deficiency in copper can lead to:
a) Hypertension
b) Anaemia
c) Hyperglycaemia
d) Osteoporosis

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Correct Answer: b) Anaemia
Explanation: Copper deficiency can lead to anaemia, a condition where the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells. Copper is essential for iron absorption and haemoglobin synthesis.

Q43. Which of these foods is a rich source of copper?
a) Citrus fruits
b) Dairy products
c) Whole grains
d) Shellfish

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Correct Answer: d) Shellfish
Explanation: Shellfish, particularly oysters and other mollusks, are rich sources of copper. Other good sources include nuts, seeds, and some whole grains.

Q44. The liver’s role in copper metabolism includes:
a) Storage of copper
b) Synthesis of copper
c) Breaking down copper
d) Excreting copper

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Correct Answer: a) Storage of copper
Explanation: The liver plays a vital role in copper metabolism, including the storage of copper. It regulates the release of copper into the bloodstream and aids in the elimination of excess copper.

Q45. Copper is involved in the pigmentation of:
a) Eyes
b) Hair
c) Skin
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Copper is involved in the pigmentation of eyes, hair, and skin. It plays a role in the formation of melanin, the pigment responsible for the coloration of these parts of the body.

Q46. A genetic disorder causing copper accumulation in the liver is:
a) Hemochromatosis
b) Wilson’s disease
c) Menkes disease
d) Tay-Sachs disease

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Correct Answer: b) Wilson’s disease
Explanation: Wilson’s disease is a genetic disorder that prevents the body from properly disposing of copper, leading to its accumulation, particularly in the liver, brain, and other vital organs.

Q47. Which of these is a common source of fluoride?
a) Dairy products
b) Tap water
c) Fresh fruits
d) Red meat

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Correct Answer: b) Tap water
Explanation: Tap water is a common source of fluoride, especially in areas where fluoride is added to the water supply (fluoridation) to help reduce dental decay in the community.

Q48. Excessive consumption of fluoride can lead to a condition called:
a) Osteoporosis
b) Scurvy
c) Dental fluorosis
d) Hyperkalemia

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Correct Answer: c) Dental fluorosis
Explanation: Excessive consumption of fluoride, particularly during the years when teeth are developing, can lead to dental fluorosis. This condition causes changes in the appearance of tooth enamel, ranging from mild discoloration to more severe forms.

Q49. Fluoride is naturally found in:
a) Air
b) Soil
c) Salt
d) Sugar

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Correct Answer: b) Soil
Explanation: Fluoride is naturally found in soil. From there, it can enter the food chain and is also found in varying amounts in natural water sources.

Q50. Which of these foods is a rich source of iodine?
a) Red meat
b) Dairy products
c) Leafy green vegetables
d) Seafood

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Correct Answer: d) Seafood
Explanation: Seafood, including fish, shellfish, and seaweeds, are rich sources of iodine. They absorb iodine from seawater, making them an excellent dietary source of this nutrient.

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