GK MCQ on Vitamins A

Q1. What is the primary function of Vitamin A in the human body?
a) Bone growth
b) Blood clotting
c) Vision
d) Muscle building

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Correct Answer: c) Vision
Explanation: Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining healthy vision. It is a component of the protein rhodopsin, which allows the eye to see in low light conditions.

Q2. Which of these is a source of Vitamin A?
a) Sunlight
b) Carrots
c) Water
d) Sea salt

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Correct Answer: b) Carrots
Explanation: Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in the body. This vitamin is essential for good vision, immune function, and skin health.

Q3. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to a condition known as:
a) Scurvy
b) Rickets
c) Night blindness
d) Beriberi

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Correct Answer: c) Night blindness
Explanation: Night blindness is one of the first signs of Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A is essential for the maintenance of photoreceptors in the eyes and its deficiency impairs vision, especially in low light.

Q4. Retinol is a form of Vitamin A found in:
a) Plant-based foods
b) Animal-based foods
c) Sunlight
d) Water

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Correct Answer: b) Animal-based foods
Explanation: Retinol is the active form of Vitamin A found in animal-based foods like liver, fish, and dairy products. It can be directly used by the body.

Q5. Beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A, is primarily found in:
a) Meat products
b) Dairy products
c) Fruits and vegetables
d) Grains

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Correct Answer: c) Fruits and vegetables
Explanation: Beta-carotene, a carotenoid that can be converted into Vitamin A, is found abundantly in fruits and vegetables, especially those that are orange or dark green in colour.

Q6. Excessive consumption of Vitamin A can lead to a condition known as:
a) Hypervitaminosis A
b) Hypovitaminosis A
c) Anaemia
d) Osteoporosis

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Correct Answer: a) Hypervitaminosis A
Explanation: Hypervitaminosis A refers to the toxic effects of ingesting too much Vitamin A. Symptoms can include vision disturbances, swelling of bones, dry, rough skin, and liver damage.

Q7. Which of the following vitamins is considered a fat-soluble vitamin?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D

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Correct Answer: a) Vitamin A
Explanation: Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it can be stored in the body’s fatty tissue and liver. This distinguishes it from water-soluble vitamins, like Vitamins B and C, which are not stored in the body.

Q8. What role does Vitamin A play in the immune system?
a) It produces antibodies
b) It strengthens mucous barriers
c) It decreases inflammation
d) It produces digestive enzymes

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Correct Answer: b) It strengthens mucous barriers
Explanation: Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining the body’s natural defences. This includes the mucous barriers in the eyes, lungs, gut, and genitals which help trap bacteria and other infectious agents.

Q9. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Vitamin A deficiency?
a) Improved night vision
b) Dry skin
c) Weak immune system
d) Dry eyes

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Correct Answer: a) Improved night vision
Explanation: A symptom of Vitamin A deficiency is not improved, but rather impaired night vision. Other symptoms include dry skin, a weak immune system, and dry eyes.

Q10. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin A varies by:
a) Time of day
b) Physical activity level
c) Age and gender
d) Blood type

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Correct Answer: c) Age and gender
Explanation: The RDA for Vitamin A varies based on age, gender, and other factors like pregnancy and lactation. It ensures adequate intake levels to meet the nutritional needs of different groups.

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