GK MCQ on UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

Q1. Which of the following sites is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its group of monuments built during the Chola dynasty?
a) Hampi
b) Mahabalipuram
c) Khajuraho
d) Great Living Chola Temples

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Correct Answer: d) Great Living Chola Temples

Q2. The Sundarbans National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is known for which of the following?
a) Desert landscape
b) Mangrove forests
c) Snow-capped mountains
d) Coral reefs

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Correct Answer: b) Mangrove forests

Q3. Which UNESCO World Heritage Site in India is known for its rock-cut caves that represent the epitome of Indian rock-cut architecture?
a) Ajanta Caves
b) Ellora Caves
c) Elephanta Caves
d) Udayagiri Caves

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Correct Answer: b) Ellora Caves

Q4. The Historic City of Ahmadabad was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its:
a) Ancient water management system
b) Medieval fortifications and gates
c) Urban fabric that demonstrates the co-existence of Hindu, Islamic, and Jain communities
d) Rock-cut architecture

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Correct Answer: c) Urban fabric that demonstrates the co-existence of Hindu, Islamic, and Jain communities

Q1. Which of the following is not a source of Ancient Indian history?
a) Inscriptions
b) Coins
c) Manuscripts
d) Pottery

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Q5. The Khangchendzonga National Park in Sikkim is recognized by UNESCO for its:
a) Mixed cultural and natural heritage
b) Desert landscape
c) Marine biodiversity
d) Urban architectural heritage

Q6. The Rani-ki-Vav (the Queen’s Stepwell) in Gujarat is a UNESCO World Heritage Site celebrated for its:
a) Intricate rock-cut architecture
b) Exceptional example of a water management system
c) Ancient astronomical observatory
d) Medieval fortifications

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Correct Answer: b) Exceptional example of a water management system

Q7. The Mountain Railways of India, recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, include all of the following except:
a) Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
b) Nilgiri Mountain Railway
c) Kalka-Shimla Railway
d) Matheran Hill Railway

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Correct Answer: d) Matheran Hill Railway

Q8. The Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara (Nalanda University) in Bihar is a UNESCO World Heritage Site recognized for its:
a) Ancient educational institution
b) Rock-cut temples
c) Medieval fortifications
d) Water management system

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Correct Answer: a) Ancient educational institution

Q9. The Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Mumbai were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for their:
a) Influence on the development of modern urban planning
b) Representation of the cultural exchange between Europe and Asia
c) Outstanding examples of 19th-century and early 20th-century architectural styles
d) Ancient water management system

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Correct Answer: c) Outstanding examples of 19th-century and early 20th-century architectural styles

Q10. The Jaipur City in Rajasthan was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its:
a) Iconic astronomical observatory
b) Exceptional urban planning and architecture
c) Ancient educational institutions
d) Traditional water management systems

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Correct Answer: b) Exceptional urban planning and architecture

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