GK MCQ on The Theory of Evolution

Q41. Which of the following statements about Lamarck’s theory of evolution is FALSE?
a) Lamarck proposed the idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics.
b) Lamarck’s theory was widely accepted by the scientific community during his time.
c) Lamarck suggested that organisms evolve through the use and disuse of body parts.
d) Lamarck’s theory was eventually superseded by Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

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Correct Answer: b) Lamarck’s theory was widely accepted by the scientific community during his time.
Explanation: Lamarck’s theory of evolution, although influential, was not widely accepted by the scientific community during his time. It faced significant criticism and skepticism, particularly from contemporary scientists like Georges Cuvier.

Q42. What term describes the process by which two unrelated species evolve similar traits independently?
a) Convergent evolution
b) Divergent evolution
c) Parallel evolution
d) Adaptive radiation

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Correct Answer: a) Convergent evolution
Explanation: Convergent evolution occurs when unrelated species independently evolve similar traits in response to similar environmental pressures. This results in the development of analogous structures with similar functions but different evolutionary origins.

Accordion title 2

Q43. Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structure in whales?
a) Gills
b) Flippers
c) Hind limbs
d) Blowhole

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Correct Answer: c) Hind limbs
Explanation: Hind limbs in whales are considered vestigial structures as they are remnants of ancestral traits from their terrestrial ancestors. Modern whales do not use their hind limbs for locomotion, but they retain skeletal remnants within their bodies.

Q44. What is the term for the evolutionary process by which species evolve from a common ancestor into diverse forms to occupy different ecological niches?
a) Convergent evolution
b) Divergent evolution
c) Adaptive radiation
d) Sympatric speciation

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Correct Answer: c) Adaptive radiation
Explanation: Adaptive radiation is the process by which a single ancestral species rapidly diversifies into multiple species, each adapted to different ecological niches or habitats. It often occurs when organisms colonize new environments with diverse ecological opportunities.

Q45. Which evolutionary concept suggests that evolutionary change occurs as a result of small, incremental steps over long periods of time?
a) Punctuated equilibrium
b) Gradualism
c) Adaptive radiation
d) Sympatric speciation

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Correct Answer: b) Gradualism
Explanation: Gradualism proposes that evolutionary change occurs gradually and continuously over long periods of time through the accumulation of small, incremental changes in traits within populations.

Q46. What term describes the process by which a new species arises within the same geographic area as the parent species?
a) Convergent evolution
b) Divergent evolution
c) Allopatric speciation
d) Sympatric speciation

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Correct Answer: d) Sympatric speciation
Explanation: Sympatric speciation occurs when a new species arises within the same geographic area as the parent species, often due to ecological or behavioral factors leading to reproductive isolation.

Q47. Which of the following is an example of a homologous structure?
a) Bird wing and insect wing
b) Human arm and bird wing
c) Fish fin and dolphin flipper
d) Antenna of a moth and antenna of a butterfly

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Correct Answer: b) Human arm and bird wing
Explanation: Homologous structures are anatomical features that share a common evolutionary origin despite having different functions in different species. The human arm and bird wing are examples of homologous structures, derived from a common ancestral limb structure.

Q48. What mechanism of evolution involves the movement of alleles between populations through the migration of individuals?
a) Genetic drift
b) Gene flow
c) Mutation
d) Natural selection

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Correct Answer: b) Gene flow
Explanation: Gene flow is the movement of alleles between populations through the migration of individuals. It introduces new genetic variation into populations and can counteract genetic drift and promote adaptation.

Q49. What term describes the loss of genetic diversity in a population due to a drastic reduction in population size?
a) Genetic drift
b) Founder effect
c) Bottleneck effect
d) Gene flow

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Correct Answer: c) Bottleneck effect
Explanation: The bottleneck effect occurs when a population undergoes a dramatic reduction in size, leading to a loss of genetic diversity. The surviving population may carry only a fraction of the genetic variation present in the original population.

Q50. Which evolutionary mechanism results in the increase of allele frequencies due to chance events, particularly in small populations?
a) Genetic drift
b) Gene flow
c) Natural selection
d) Mutation

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Correct Answer: a) Genetic drift
Explanation: Genetic drift refers to the random fluctuation of allele frequencies in a population due to chance events, particularly in small populations. It can lead to the loss of genetic diversity and the fixation of certain alleles over time.

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