GK MCQ on the human body

Q61. What is the primary function of the urinary bladder?
A) To filter blood
B) To produce urine
C) To store urine
D) To secrete hormones

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Correct Answer: C) To store urine
Explanation: The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular organ that stores urine from the kidneys before disposal by urination.

Q62. Which part of the human body is primarily responsible for the detoxification of chemicals and metabolizes drugs?
A) Pancreas
B) Spleen
C) Liver
D) Kidneys

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Correct Answer: C) Liver
Explanation: The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes in the body. In fat metabolism, the liver cells break down fats and produce energy. It also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs.

Q63. What is the function of the mucus in the respiratory system?
A) To warm the air
B) To moisten the air
C) To trap and remove particles and pathogens
D) To exchange gases

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Correct Answer: C) To trap and remove particles and pathogens
Explanation: Mucus in the respiratory system traps dust, pathogens, and other particles, preventing them from entering the lungs and facilitating their removal from the airways.

Q64. Which hormone is involved in the regulation of calcium levels in the blood?
A) Adrenaline
B) Cortisol
C) Insulin
D) Parathyroid hormone

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Correct Answer: D) Parathyroid hormone
Explanation: Parathyroid hormone regulates calcium levels in the blood, largely by increasing the levels when they are too low.

Q65. What is the primary function of the valves in the heart?
A) To pump blood
B) To oxygenate blood
C) To prevent the backflow of blood
D) To absorb nutrients

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Correct Answer: C) To prevent the backflow of blood
Explanation: The heart valves ensure unidirectional blood flow through the heart chambers and prevent the backflow of blood.

Q66. Which part of the human body is responsible for producing the voice?
A) Lungs
B) Mouth
C) Vocal cords
D) Nose

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Correct Answer: C) Vocal cords
Explanation: The vocal cords, located in the larynx, vibrate to produce sound when air is expelled from the lungs, enabling speech.

Q67. What is the function of the cochlea in the ear?
A) To balance the body
B) To amplify sound
C) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
D) To protect the inner ear

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Correct Answer: C) To convert sound waves into electrical signals
Explanation: The cochlea is a spiral-shaped cavity in the inner ear that plays a key role in hearing by converting sound waves into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.

Q68. Which gland is responsible for regulating metabolism and producing hormones?
A) Adrenal gland
B) Thyroid gland
C) Pineal gland
D) Pituitary gland

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Correct Answer: B) Thyroid gland
Explanation: The thyroid gland regulates metabolism through the release of hormones such as thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Q69. What is the primary function of the colon in the digestive system?
A) To digest food
B) To absorb nutrients
C) To absorb water
D) To produce bile

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Correct Answer: C) To absorb water
Explanation: The colon, or large intestine, primarily absorbs water and electrolytes from food residues before they are excreted as waste.

Q70. Which part of the human body is primarily responsible for the filtration and excretion of waste products?
A) Heart
B) Liver
C) Kidneys
D) Lungs

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Correct Answer: C) Kidneys
Explanation: The kidneys filter blood to remove waste products and excess substances, which are excreted as urine.

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