GK MCQ on the human body

Q1. What is the largest organ of the human body?
A) Heart
B) Skin
C) Liver
D) Kidney

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Correct Answer: B) Skin
Explanation: The skin is the body’s largest organ, covering the entire outside of the body and serving as a protective barrier.

Q2. Which part of the brain regulates motor function?
A) Cerebrum
B) Cerebellum
C) Medulla
D) Pons

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Correct Answer: B) Cerebellum
Explanation: The cerebellum is primarily responsible for coordinating voluntary movements, balance, and posture.

Q3. What is the main function of red blood cells?
A) Clotting blood
B) Fighting infection
C) Carrying oxygen
D) Removing waste

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Correct Answer: C) Carrying oxygen
Explanation: Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and return carbon dioxide to be exhaled.

Q4. Which hormone is primarily responsible for regulating blood sugar?
A) Adrenaline
B) Insulin
C) Cortisol
D) Estrogen

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Correct Answer: B) Insulin
Explanation: Insulin, produced by the pancreas, helps regulate blood glucose levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into tissues.

Q5. What type of joint is the elbow?
A) Ball and socket
B) Hinge
C) Pivot
D) Saddle

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Correct Answer: B) Hinge
Explanation: The elbow is a hinge joint, allowing for bending and straightening movements.

Q6. Which organ is responsible for filtering blood?
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Liver
D) Kidneys

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Correct Answer: D) Kidneys
Explanation: The kidneys filter waste products from the blood and regulate the balance of electrolytes in the body.

Q7. What is the smallest bone in the human body?
A) Femur
B) Stapes
C) Tibia
D) Clavicle

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Correct Answer: B) Stapes
Explanation: The stapes, located in the middle ear, is the smallest bone in the human body.

Q8. Which vitamin is primarily absorbed in the small intestine?
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B12
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin D

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Correct Answer: B) Vitamin B12
Explanation: Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the small intestine, specifically in the ileum.

Q9. What is the primary function of the large intestine?
A) Nutrient absorption
B) Protein synthesis
C) Water absorption
D) Enzyme production

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Correct Answer: C) Water absorption
Explanation: The large intestine primarily absorbs water and electrolytes, forming solid waste.

Q10. Which gland produces melatonin?
A) Thyroid
B) Adrenal
C) Pineal
D) Pituitary

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Correct Answer: C) Pineal
Explanation: The pineal gland produces melatonin, which regulates sleep patterns.

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