GK MCQ on The Five Kingdoms of Life

Q11. Which kingdom encompasses organisms that are primarily unicellular, prokaryotic, and exhibit diverse metabolic capabilities such as nitrogen fixation and fermentation?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Monera

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Correct Answer: d) Monera
Explanation: The kingdom Monera includes unicellular, prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria and cyanobacteria. They exhibit diverse metabolic capabilities, including nitrogen fixation, fermentation, and photosynthesis in the case of cyanobacteria.

Q12. Organisms in which kingdom are characterized by their ability to synthesize their own food through photosynthesis, possess chloroplasts, and often have cell walls made of silica?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Protista
d) Fungi

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Correct Answer: c) Protista
Explanation: While most members of the kingdom Protista are unicellular and some are heterotrophic, there are also photosynthetic protists, such as diatoms and dinoflagellates, that possess chloroplasts and silica cell walls.

Q13. Which kingdom includes organisms that are primarily multicellular, eukaryotic, and heterotrophic, obtaining nutrients through ingestion and digestion?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: a) Animalia
Explanation: The kingdom Animalia comprises multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophic, meaning they obtain nutrients by ingesting organic matter and digesting it internally. Animals exhibit various forms of locomotion and sensory abilities.

Q14. Organisms in which kingdom are characterized by their ability to decompose organic matter, possess cell walls made of chitin, and obtain nutrients through extracellular digestion?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: c) Fungi
Explanation: Fungi are heterotrophic organisms that decompose organic matter and obtain nutrients through extracellular digestion. They possess cell walls made of chitin and play critical roles in nutrient cycling and decomposition in ecosystems

Q15. Which kingdom encompasses organisms that are primarily multicellular, photosynthetic, and have cell walls made of cellulose?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: b) Plantae
Explanation: The kingdom Plantae consists of multicellular, photosynthetic organisms known as plants. They have specialized structures for photosynthesis, including chloroplasts, and possess cell walls made of cellulose.

Q16. Organisms in which kingdom are primarily single-celled, eukaryotic, and exhibit diverse metabolic capabilities such as photosynthesis, ingestion, and absorption?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: d) Protista
Explanation: Protista is a diverse kingdom comprising single-celled eukaryotic organisms that do not fit into other kingdoms. They exhibit various metabolic modes, including photosynthesis (e.g., algae), ingestion (e.g., amoeba), and absorption (e.g., slime molds).

Q17. Which kingdom includes organisms that are primarily multicellular, eukaryotic, and obtain nutrients through absorption, often forming symbiotic relationships with other organisms?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: c) Fungi
Explanation: Fungi are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that obtain nutrients through absorption. They form symbiotic relationships with other organisms and play vital roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and mycorrhizal associations.

Q18. Organisms in which kingdom are characterized by their ability to move by means of cilia, flagella, or pseudopodia and can be both unicellular and multicellular?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: d) Protista
Explanation: Protists exhibit various forms of locomotion, including ciliary movement, flagellar propulsion, and pseudopodial crawling. They can be both unicellular (e.g., Paramecium) and multicellular (e.g., seaweeds).

Q19. Which kingdom encompasses organisms that are primarily multicellular, heterotrophic, and obtain nutrients through ingestion and extracellular digestion?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: a) Animalia
Explanation: The kingdom Animalia consists of multicellular, heterotrophic organisms that obtain nutrients by ingesting organic matter and digesting it internally. Animals exhibit diverse forms and modes of feeding, locomotion, and reproduction.

Q20. Organisms in which kingdom are primarily multicellular, eukaryotic, and possess specialized structures for photosynthesis, such as chloroplasts?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: b) Plantae
Explanation: Plants are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae. They possess chloroplasts, specialized organelles for photosynthesis, and produce their own food using light energy, water, and carbon dioxide.

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