GK MCQ on Symbol of Some Elements

Q41. What is the symbol for yttrium?
a) Y
b) Yt
c) Yr
d) Yo

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Correct Answer: a) Y
Explanation: Yttrium is represented by the symbol “Y” in the periodic table. It is used in various technological applications, including LED lights and superconductors.

Q42. Which element’s symbol is “Pt”?
a) Platinum
b) Palladium
c) Potassium
d) Phosphorus

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Correct Answer: a) Platinum
Explanation: Platinum is represented by the symbol “Pt” in the periodic table. It is a precious metal used in jewellery, catalytic converters, and electronic components.

Q43. What is the symbol for cobalt?
a) Co
b) Cb
c) Ct
d) Cb

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Correct Answer: a) Co
Explanation: Cobalt is represented by the symbol “Co” in the periodic table. It is a transition metal used in alloys, batteries, and magnetic materials.

Q44. Which element’s symbol is “Cs”?
a) Cesium
b) Curium
c) Californium
d) Cerium

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Correct Answer: a) Cesium
Explanation: Cesium is represented by the symbol “Cs” in the periodic table. It is an alkali metal used in atomic clocks, drilling fluids, and catalysts.

Q45. What is the symbol for erbium?
a) Er
b) Em
c) E
d) Eb

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Correct Answer: a) Er
Explanation: Erbium is represented by the symbol “Er” in the periodic table. It is used in optical amplifiers, lasers, and nuclear control rods.

Q46. Which element’s symbol is “La”?
a) Lanthanum
b) Lithium
c) Lawrencium
d) Lead

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Correct Answer: a) Lanthanum
Explanation: Lanthanum is represented by the symbol “La” in the periodic table. It is a rare-earth metal used in catalysts, batteries, and optics.

Q47. What is the symbol for tantalum?
a) Ta
b) Tl
c) Tn
d) Tt

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Correct Answer: a) Ta
Explanation: Tantalum is represented by the symbol “Ta” in the periodic table. It is used in electronic components, surgical implants, and superalloys.

Q48. Which element’s symbol is “Nd”?
a) Neodymium
b) Nickel
c) Nitrogen
d) Neptunium

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Correct Answer: a) Neodymium
Explanation: Neodymium is represented by the symbol “Nd” in the periodic table. It is used in magnets, lasers, and glass coloring agents.

Q49. What is the symbol for thorium?
a) Th
b) To
c) Tr
d) Ta

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Correct Answer: a) Th
Explanation: Thorium is represented by the symbol “Th” in the periodic table. It is a radioactive element used in nuclear reactors and as a fuel for nuclear power generation.

Q50. Which element’s symbol is “Ho”?
a) Holmium
b) Hydrogen
c) Hafnium
d) Hassium

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Correct Answer: a) Holmium
Explanation: Holmium is represented by the symbol “Ho” in the periodic table. It is used in nuclear control rods, lasers, and magnetic materials.

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