Q41. Which is the largest peninsula in the world?
a) Arabian Peninsula
b) Indian Peninsula
c) Scandinavian Peninsula
d) Florida Peninsula

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Correct Answer: a) Arabian Peninsula
Explanation: The Arabian Peninsula, located in Southwest Asia, is the largest peninsula in the world, covering an area of approximately 3,250,000 square kilometers (1,250,006 square miles). It is surrounded by the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf, and includes countries such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.

Q42. Which is the coldest place or region in the world?
a) East Antarctic Plateau
b) Vostok Station, Antarctica
c) Oymyakon, Russia
d) North Pole

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Correct Answer: a) East Antarctic Plateau
Explanation: The East Antarctic Plateau is the coldest place or region in the world, with recorded temperatures as low as -93.2°C (-135.8°F). This extremely cold region is located in Antarctica and is characterized by its high elevation and extremely low temperatures.

Q43. Which is the driest place in the world?
a) Atacama Desert, South America
b) Sahara Desert, Africa
c) Gobi Desert, Asia
d) Kalahari Desert, Africa

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Correct Answer: a) Atacama Desert, South America
Explanation: The Atacama Desert, located in South America, is the driest place in the world. It receives less than 1 mm of precipitation each year, and some areas haven’t seen a drop of rain in more than 500 years. The desert’s extreme aridity is due to its location between the Andes Mountains and the Chilean Coastal Range, which creates a rain shadow effect.

Q44. Which is the largest planet in our solar system?
a) Jupiter
b) Saturn
c) Uranus
d) Neptune

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Correct Answer: a) Jupiter
Explanation: Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, with a diameter of approximately 143,000 kilometers (89,000 miles). It is more than twice as massive as all the other planets in the solar system combined and is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.

Q45. Which is the brightest and hottest planet, and also the nearest to Earth?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Mercury
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: a) Venus
Explanation: Venus is the brightest and hottest planet in our solar system, as well as the nearest to Earth. Its thick atmosphere, composed mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds, traps heat and causes a greenhouse effect, resulting in surface temperatures that can reach up to 465°C (869°F).

Q46. Which is the farthest planet from the sun?
a) Neptune
b) Uranus
c) Saturn
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: a) Neptune
Explanation: Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun, located at an average distance of about 4.5 billion kilometers (2.8 billion miles). It is the eighth planet in our solar system and is classified as an ice giant due to its large size and composition of water, ammonia, and methane ices.

Q47. Which is the nearest planet to the sun?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mars

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Correct Answer: a) Mercury
Explanation: Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun, with an average distance of approximately 57.9 million kilometers (36 million miles). It is the smallest planet in our solar system and has a thin atmosphere, which results in extreme temperature variations between day and night.

Q48. Which is the smallest planet in our solar system?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mars

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Correct Answer: a) Mercury
Explanation: Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, with a radius of approximately 1,516 miles (2,439 kilometers). It is the closest planet to the sun and has a thin atmosphere, which contributes to its extreme temperature variations between day and night.

Q49. Which is the highest plateau in the world?
a) Pamir Plateau, Tibet
b) Altiplano Plateau, South America
c) Deosai Plateau, Pakistan
d) Colorado Plateau, United States

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Correct Answer: a) Pamir Plateau, Tibet
Explanation: The Pamir Plateau, located in Tibet, is the highest plateau in the world, with an average elevation of 4,500 meters (14,764 feet) above sea level. The plateau is often referred to as the “Roof of the World” and is home to several high mountain ranges, including the Himalayas, the Karakoram, the Hindu Kush, and the Tian Shan.

Q50. Which railway station has the longest platform in the world?
a) Gorakhpur Railway Station, India
b) Kharagpur Railway Station, India
c) Usta Muhammad Railway Station, Pakistan
d) State Street Subway, United States

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Correct Answer: a) Gorakhpur Railway Station, India
Explanation: Gorakhpur Railway Station, located in Uttar Pradesh, India, has the longest platform in the world, measuring 1,366.33 meters (4,483 feet) in length. The platform was inaugurated in 2013 and serves as a major railway hub in the region, connecting various parts of India.

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