Q21. Which is the largest delta in the world?
a) Ganges Delta, India
b) Nile Delta, Egypt
c) Mississippi Delta, United States
d) Amazon Delta, Brazil

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Correct Answer: a) Ganges Delta, India
Explanation: The Ganges Delta, also known as the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta or the Sundarbans Delta, is the largest delta in the world. It is located in the South Asia region of Bangladesh and India, covering an area of about 105,645 square kilometres. The delta is formed by the confluence of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers and is home to the world’s largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans.

Q22. Which is the largest desert in the world?
a) Sahara Desert, Africa
b) Arabian Desert, Middle East
c) Gobi Desert, Asia
d) Antarctic Desert, Antarctica

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Correct Answer: d) Antarctic Desert, Antarctica
Explanation: The Antarctic Desert is the largest desert in the world, covering an area of approximately 14 million square kilometers. Although it is covered in ice and snow, it is classified as a desert due to its extremely low precipitation levels.

Q23. Which is the largest diamond ever found?
a) The Cullinan Diamond
b) The Hope Diamond
c) The Koh-i-Noor Diamond
d) The Golden Jubilee Diamond

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Correct Answer: a) The Cullinan Diamond
Explanation: The Cullinan Diamond is the largest gem-quality diamond ever found, weighing 3,106 carats (621.20 g) when it was discovered in South Africa in 1905. The diamond was later cut into nine large stones and ninety-six smaller stones, with two of the largest stones forming part of the British Crown Jewels.

Q24. Which is the longest epic poem in the world?
a) The Iliad
b) The Odyssey
c) The Mahabharata
d) The Aeneid

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Correct Answer: c) The Mahabharata
Explanation: The Mahabharata is the longest epic poem in the world, consisting of over 100,000 verses. This ancient Indian epic narrates the events and aftermath of the Kurukshetra War, a war of succession between two groups of princely cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas. The Mahabharata also contains philosophical and devotional material, such as the Bhagavad Gita.

Q25. Which is the largest island in the world?
a) Greenland
b) Madagascar
c) Borneo
d) New Guinea

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Correct Answer: a) Greenland
Explanation: Greenland is the largest island in the world, covering an area of approximately 2,166,086 square kilometers. It is located in the North Atlantic Ocean and is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.

Q26. Which is the largest artificial lake in the world?
a) Lake Kariba
b) Lake Volta
c) Lake Nasser
d) Lake Mead

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Correct Answer: a) Lake Kariba
Explanation: Lake Kariba is the largest artificial lake in the world by volume, covering an area of 5,580 square kilometers. It is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe and was created by the construction of the Kariba Dam on the Zambezi River in 1959.

Q27. Which is the deepest lake in the world?
a) Lake Baikal
b) Lake Tanganyika
c) Lake Vostok
d) Crater Lake

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Correct Answer: a) Lake Baikal
Explanation: Lake Baikal, located in Siberia, Russia, is the deepest lake in the world, with a maximum depth of 1,642 meters (5,387 feet). It is also the world’s oldest and largest freshwater lake by volume, containing about 20% of the world’s unfrozen freshwater.

Q28. Which is the highest lake in the world?
a) Lake Titicaca
b) Lake Tana
c) Lake Puma Yumco
d) Ojos del Salado Pool

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Correct Answer: d) Ojos del Salado Pool
Explanation: The Ojos del Salado Pool, located on the eastern face of the Ojos del Salado volcano, is the highest lake in the world, sitting at an elevation of 18,602 feet (5,669 meters) above sea level. The lake is small, measuring only about 100 meters (328 feet) in diameter, and is found in the Andes Mountains on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Q29. Which is the largest freshwater lake in the world?
a) Lake Superior
b) Lake Victoria
c) Lake Baikal
d) Lake Tanganyika

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Correct Answer: a) Lake Superior
Explanation: Lake Superior, located in North America, is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, covering approximately 82,100 square kilometers (31,700 square miles). It is one of the Great Lakes of North America and borders the United States and Canada.

Q30. Which is the largest saltwater lake in the world?
a) Caspian Sea
b) Great Salt Lake
c) Aral Sea
d) Lake Urmia

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Correct Answer: a) Caspian Sea
Explanation: The Caspian Sea, located between Europe and Asia, is the largest saltwater lake in the world, with a surface area of approximately 371,000 square kilometers (143,000 square miles). It is bordered by five countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan.

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