GK MCQ on South America Continent

Q1. Which is the largest country in South America by area?
a) Argentina
b) Brazil
c) Chile
d) Peru

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Correct Answer: b) Brazil
Explanation: Brazil is the largest country in South America, covering an area of approximately 8.5 million square kilometers. It is also the fifth largest country in the world.

Q2. What is the official language of Brazil?
a) Spanish
b) Portuguese
c) English
d) French

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Correct Answer: b) Portuguese
Explanation: Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, making it the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world.

Q3. Which river is the longest in South America?
a) Nile
b) Amazon
c) Yangtze
d) Mississippi

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Correct Answer: b) Amazon
Explanation: The Amazon River is the longest river in South America and is also considered the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world.

Q4. What is the capital city of Argentina?
a) Buenos Aires
b) Lima
c) Santiago
d) Bogotá

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Correct Answer: a) Buenos Aires
Explanation: Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina. It is known for its preserved Spanish/European-style architecture and rich cultural life.

Q5. Which South American country is known as the ‘Land of Silver’?
a) Brazil
b) Argentina
c) Peru
d) Chile

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Correct Answer: b) Argentina
Explanation: The name ‘Argentina’ is derived from the Latin word ‘argentum’, which means silver. The country was named after the silver mountains legend encountered by the early Spanish conquerors.

Q6. Which South American country has two capitals?
a) Chile
b) Ecuador
c) Bolivia
d) Paraguay

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Correct Answer: c) Bolivia
Explanation: Bolivia has two capitals, La Paz and Sucre. La Paz is the administrative capital, while Sucre is the constitutional capital and the seat of the Supreme Court.

Q7. What is the highest navigable lake in the world located in South America?
a) Lake Superior
b) Lake Titicaca
c) Lake Victoria
d) Lake Tahoe

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Correct Answer: b) Lake Titicaca
Explanation: Lake Titicaca, situated on the border of Bolivia and Peru, is the highest navigable lake in the world at an elevation of approximately 3,812 meters above sea level.

Q8. Which South American country is famous for its Galápagos Islands?
a) Colombia
b) Ecuador
c) Venezuela
d) Uruguay

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Correct Answer: b) Ecuador
Explanation: Ecuador is famous for the Galápagos Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its unique ecosystem and diverse species, including the giant tortoise.

Q9. What is the predominant religion in South America?
a) Buddhism
b) Islam
c) Christianity
d) Hinduism

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Correct Answer: c) Christianity
Explanation: Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism, is the predominant religion in South America, reflecting the region’s historical ties with Spain and Portugal.

Q10. Which South American city hosted the Summer Olympics in 2016?
a) Rio de Janeiro
b) Buenos Aires
c) Santiago
d) Lima

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Correct Answer: a) Rio de Janeiro
Explanation: Rio de Janeiro in Brazil hosted the Summer Olympics in 2016, making it the first South American city to host the Games.

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