GK MCQ on Some Provisions of IPC and CrPC

Q11. Which section of the CrPC deals with the “Arrest without warrant”?
a) Section 41
b) Section 42
c) Section 43
d) Section 44

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Correct Answer: a) Section 41
Explanation: Section 41 of the CrPC provides the circumstances under which a police officer may arrest a person without a warrant.

Q12. Under which section of the CrPC can a person be released on bail?
a) Section 436
b) Section 437
c) Section 438
d) Section 439

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Correct Answer: a) Section 436
Explanation: Section 436 of the CrPC deals with bail in bailable offenses, where the accused has the right to be released on bail.

Q13. Which section of the CrPC deals with “Anticipatory Bail”?
a) Section 436
b) Section 437
c) Section 438
d) Section 439

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Correct Answer: c) Section 438
Explanation: Section 438 of the CrPC provides for anticipatory bail, allowing a person to seek bail in anticipation of an arrest on accusation of having committed a non-bailable offense.

Q14. What does Section 144 of the CrPC deal with?
a) Preventive detention
b) Prohibition of assembly
c) Search and seizure
d) Summons

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Correct Answer: b) Prohibition of assembly
Explanation: Section 144 of the CrPC empowers a magistrate to prohibit an assembly of more than four people in an area to prevent disturbances.

Q15. Which section of the CrPC deals with the “Cognizance of offenses by Magistrates”?
a) Section 190
b) Section 200
c) Section 202
d) Section 204

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Correct Answer: a) Section 190
Explanation: Section 190 of the CrPC outlines the conditions under which a magistrate can take cognizance of an offense.

Q16. Under which section of the CrPC can the High Court exercise its inherent powers?
a) Section 482
b) Section 483
c) Section 484
d) Section 485

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Correct Answer: a) Section 482
Explanation: Section 482 of the CrPC grants the High Court inherent powers to make orders necessary to prevent abuse of the process of any court or to secure the ends of justice.

Q17. Which section of the CrPC deals with “Compounding of offenses”?
a) Section 320
b) Section 321
c) Section 322
d) Section 323

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Correct Answer: a) Section 320
Explanation: Section 320 of the CrPC provides for the compounding of certain offenses, allowing the parties involved to settle the matter out of court.

Q18. What is covered under Section 125 of the CrPC?
a) Maintenance of wife, children, and parents
b) Arrest and detention
c) Bail procedures
d) Search and seizure

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Correct Answer: a) Maintenance of wife, children, and parents
Explanation: Section 125 of the CrPC provides for the maintenance of wives, children, and parents who are unable to maintain themselves.

Q19. Which section of the CrPC deals with “Sessions Trials”?
a) Section 225
b) Section 226
c) Section 227
d) Section 228

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Correct Answer: a) Section 225
Explanation: Section 225 of the CrPC deals with the procedure for trials before a Court of Session, including the role of the public prosecutor.

Q20. Under which section of the CrPC can a person be declared a proclaimed offender?
a) Section 82
b) Section 83
c) Section 84
d) Section 85

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Correct Answer: a) Section 82
Explanation: Section 82 of the CrPC allows a court to declare a person a proclaimed offender if they abscond or conceal themselves to avoid arrest.

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