GK MCQ on Robots

Q31. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of humanoid robots?
a) Household chores
b) Entertainment
c) Manufacturing
d) Medical surgeries

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Correct Answer: c) Manufacturing
Explanation: While humanoid robots may be used in certain manufacturing tasks, such as assembly or quality inspection, it is not a typical application due to the complexity and cost of humanoid robot systems. Household chores, entertainment, and medical surgeries are more common applications of humanoid robots.

Q32. What is the term for a robot designed to assist astronauts with tasks during space missions?
a) Space robot
b) Astronaut robot
c) Spacecraft robot
d) Robonaut

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Correct Answer: d) Robonaut
Explanation: Robonauts are humanoid robots designed to assist astronauts with tasks during space missions, performing tasks such as maintenance, repairs, and scientific experiments in space habitats or spacecraft.

Q33. Which of the following is a potential application of inspection robots?
a) Food delivery
b) Bridge inspection
c) Weather forecasting
d) Online shopping

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Correct Answer: b) Bridge inspection
Explanation: Inspection robots are commonly used for tasks such as bridge inspection, pipeline inspection, and infrastructure maintenance, allowing for safe and efficient assessment of structural integrity and defects in hard-to-reach areas.

Q34. What is the term for a robot designed to mimic the behavior of animals or insects for specific tasks?
a) Bio-inspired robot
b) Robotic animal
c) Biomimetic robot
d) Cybernetic organism

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Correct Answer: c) Biomimetic robot
Explanation: Biomimetic robots, also known as bio-inspired robots, are designed to mimic the behavior, structure, and capabilities of animals or insects for specific tasks, drawing inspiration from biological systems to enhance robot performance and adaptability.

Q35. Which of the following is a potential application of rescue robots?
a) Retail inventory management
b) Firefighting
c) Banking transactions
d) Public transportation

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Correct Answer: b) Firefighting
Explanation: Rescue robots are commonly used for tasks such as search and rescue operations in disaster scenarios, firefighting, and hazardous material handling, enabling first responders to access dangerous environments safely and efficiently.

Q36. What is the term for a robot designed to perform tasks in outdoor agricultural environments?
a) Agricultural robot
b) Farming robot
c) Field robot
d) Crop robot

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Correct Answer: a) Agricultural robot
Explanation: Agricultural robots are designed to perform tasks in outdoor agricultural environments, such as planting, harvesting, and crop monitoring, to enhance efficiency and productivity in farming operations.

Q37. Which of the following is a potential application of construction robots?
a) Space exploration
b) Building construction
c) Wildlife conservation
d) Financial analysis

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Correct Answer: b) Building construction
Explanation: Construction robots are commonly used in building construction tasks such as bricklaying, concrete pouring, and material handling, offering precision, speed, and efficiency in construction projects.

Q38. What is the term for a robot designed to assist individuals with disabilities in daily tasks?
a) Assistive robot
b) Companion robot
c) Service robot
d) Therapy robot

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Correct Answer: a) Assistive robot
Explanation: Assistive robots are designed to assist individuals with disabilities in daily tasks such as mobility assistance, communication support, and household chores, promoting independence and improving quality of life.

Q39. Which of the following is a potential application of entertainment robots?
a) Agricultural harvesting
b) Theme park attractions
c) Construction site monitoring
d) Legal assistance

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Correct Answer: b) Theme park attractions
Explanation: Entertainment robots are commonly used in theme park attractions, exhibitions, and interactive experiences, providing entertainment, engagement, and immersive storytelling through robotic characters and performances.

Q40. What is the term for a robot designed to interact with humans in social environments?
a) Social robot
b) Companion robot
c) Personal robot
d) Humanoid robot

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Correct Answer: a) Social robot
Explanation: Social robots are designed to interact with humans in social environments, providing companionship, assistance, and emotional support through verbal and non-verbal interactions, gestures, and expressions.

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