GK MCQ on Renewable Energy

Q41. What is the primary source of energy in hydropower generation?
a) Wind
b) Solar
c) Water
d) Coal

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Correct Answer: c) Water
Explanation: Hydropower utilizes the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. Water is the primary source of energy in hydropower generation. It is harnessed through dams or flowing rivers to turn turbines and produce electricity.

Q42. Which of the following is not a type of hydropower plant?
a) Run-of-the-river
b) Tidal
c) Geothermal
d) Pumped-storage

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Correct Answer: c) Geothermal
Explanation: Geothermal power plants generate electricity by utilizing heat from the Earth’s core. This is distinct from hydropower, which harnesses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity.

Q43. What is the most common type of hydropower plant?
a) Tidal
b) Pumped-storage
c) Run-of-the-river
d) Reservoir

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Correct Answer: c) Run-of-the-river
Explanation: Run-of-the-river hydropower plants generate electricity using the natural flow of rivers without requiring large reservoirs. They have minimal environmental impact compared to other types of hydropower plants.

Q44. Which component of a hydropower plant converts kinetic energy into mechanical energy?
a) Turbine
b) Generator
c) Dam
d) Transformer

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Correct Answer: a) Turbine
Explanation: Turbines are devices that convert the kinetic energy of flowing water into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is then used to turn generators, which produce electricity.

Q45. What is the purpose of a penstock in a hydropower plant?
a) To regulate water flow
b) To store water
c) To convert mechanical energy
d) To protect the environment

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Correct Answer: a) To regulate water flow
Explanation: Penstocks are pipes or channels that control the flow of water to the turbines in a hydropower plant. They regulate the amount of water entering the turbines, thus controlling electricity generation.

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