GK MCQ on Renewable Energy

Q36. Which of the following is a disadvantage of wind energy?
a) Limited availability
b) High greenhouse gas emissions
c) Land use conflicts
d) Resource depletion

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Correct Answer: c) Land use conflicts
Explanation: Wind energy projects may face opposition due to concerns over land use conflicts, visual impact, and potential effects on wildlife habitats, particularly in densely populated or environmentally sensitive areas.

Q37. What is the term for the device mounted on wind turbine blades to control their angle relative to the wind?
a) Rotor
b) Spoiler
c) Pitch mechanism
d) Yaw motor

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Correct Answer: c) Pitch mechanism
Explanation: The pitch mechanism is a component of wind turbine blades that allows for the adjustment of their angle relative to the wind direction, optimizing energy capture and turbine performance.

Q38. Which of the following factors can influence the economic viability of wind energy projects?
a) Wind resource availability
b) Government incentives
c) Installation costs
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Wind resource availability, government incentives, and installation costs are all factors that can impact the economic viability of wind energy projects. Favorable conditions in these areas can improve project returns and attract investment.

Q39. What is the term for the maximum wind speed at which a wind turbine shuts down to prevent damage?
a) Cut-out speed
b) Shut-off speed
c) Limiting speed
d) Maximum speed

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Correct Answer: a) Cut-out speed
Explanation: The cut-out speed is the maximum wind speed at which a wind turbine automatically shuts down to prevent excessive stress on the turbine components and ensure safe operation during high wind conditions.

Q40. Which of the following statements about offshore wind energy is true?
a) Offshore wind turbines have higher installation costs than onshore turbines.
b) Offshore wind farms are unaffected by saltwater corrosion.
c) Offshore wind energy has lower environmental impacts than onshore wind energy.
d) Offshore wind turbines have lower capacity factors than onshore turbines.

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Correct Answer: a) Offshore wind turbines have higher installation costs than onshore turbines.
Explanation: Offshore wind energy projects typically have higher installation costs compared to onshore projects due to challenges associated with marine construction, foundation design, and offshore logistics.

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