GK MCQ on Renewable Energy

Q26. Which country is the leading producer of wind energy in the world?
a) United States
b) China
c) Germany
d) Denmark

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Correct Answer: b) China
Explanation: China is the world’s leading producer of wind energy, with a significant investment in wind power capacity and infrastructure to meet its growing energy demands.

Q27. What is the term for the minimum wind speed required for a wind turbine to start generating electricity?
a) Start-up speed
b) Cut-in speed
c) Threshold speed
d) Activation speed

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Correct Answer: b) Cut-in speed
Explanation: The cut-in speed is the minimum wind speed at which a wind turbine begins to generate electricity, typically around 3-5 meters per second (m/s), depending on the turbine design.

Q28. Which of the following factors can affect the efficiency of wind turbines?
a) Wind speed
b) Blade length
c) Turbine height
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Wind speed, blade length, and turbine height are all factors that can influence the efficiency of wind turbines. Higher wind speeds, longer blades, and taller turbines generally result in higher energy output.

Q29. What is the term for the process of adjusting the angle of wind turbine blades to optimize energy capture?
a) Pitch control
b) Yaw control
c) Trim control
d) Roll control

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Correct Answer: a) Pitch control
Explanation: Pitch control involves adjusting the angle of wind turbine blades to optimize their orientation relative to the wind direction, maximizing energy capture and ensuring efficient operation.

Q30. Which of the following is an environmental impact associated with wind energy?
a) Habitat destruction
b) Water pollution
c) Noise pollution
d) Air pollution

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Correct Answer: c) Noise pollution
Explanation: Wind turbines can produce noise during operation, which may impact nearby residents or wildlife. However, advancements in turbine design and placement strategies aim to minimize noise pollution.

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