GK MCQ on Renewable Energy

Q21. Which of the following is a renewable source of energy generated from the movement of air masses?
a) Geothermal energy
b) Wind energy
c) Biomass energy
d) Tidal energy

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Correct Answer: b) Wind energy
Explanation: Wind energy is harnessed by wind turbines that convert the kinetic energy of moving air into mechanical power, which can be used for various applications such as generating electricity through generators.

Q22. What is the primary environmental benefit of wind energy compared to fossil fuels?
a) Reduced air pollution
b) Lower cost
c) Increased land use efficiency
d) Minimal visual impact

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Correct Answer: a) Reduced air pollution
Explanation: Wind energy generation produces minimal air pollution compared to fossil fuels, which emit harmful pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter that contribute to air quality deterioration and health problems.

Q23. What is the term for the area with the greatest wind energy potential?
a) Wind zone
b) Wind hotspot
c) Wind farm
d) Wind corridor

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Correct Answer: d) Wind corridor
Explanation: A wind corridor is an area characterized by consistent and strong wind currents, making it ideal for wind energy generation. These corridors are often identified through wind resource assessments before establishing wind farms.

Q4. Which of the following is NOT a type of wind turbine?
a) Horizontal-axis
b) Vertical-axis
c) Darrieus
d) Inclined-axis

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Correct Answer: d) Inclined-axis
Explanation: Inclined-axis turbines are not a common type of wind turbine. Horizontal-axis and vertical-axis turbines, as well as Darrieus turbines, are more commonly used for wind energy generation.

Q25. What is the component of a wind turbine that converts the rotational energy of the blades into electrical power?
a) Rotor
b) Gearbox
c) Generator
d) Tower

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Correct Answer: c) Generator
Explanation: The generator in a wind turbine converts the rotational energy produced by the spinning blades (rotor) into electrical power through electromagnetic induction, generating electricity that can be fed into the grid.

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