GK MCQ on Renewable Energy

Q96. Which geological feature is essential for the development of geothermal reservoirs?
a) Limestone
b) Granite
c) Porous rocks
d) Sandstone

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Correct Answer: c) Porous rocks
Explanation: Porous rocks, such as fractured volcanic formations or sedimentary layers, are essential for the development of geothermal reservoirs. These rocks allow the circulation of fluids, such as water or steam, which carry heat from deeper underground sources to the surface.

Q97. What is the primary advantage of using binary cycle geothermal power plants?
a) High efficiency
b) Low water usage
c) Minimal environmental impact
d) Reduced geological risk

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Correct Answer: b) Low water usage
Explanation: Binary cycle geothermal power plants have the advantage of low water usage compared to other types of geothermal power plants. These plants use a closed-loop system that circulates a heat transfer fluid, minimizing water consumption and environmental impact.

Q98. Which type of geothermal energy system is most suitable for regions with low-temperature reservoirs?
a) Binary cycle
b) Dry steam
c) Flash steam
d) Enhanced geothermal systems

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Correct Answer: a) Binary cycle
Explanation: Binary cycle geothermal power plants are most suitable for regions with low-temperature geothermal reservoirs. They can efficiently utilize lower temperature fluids by vaporizing a secondary fluid with a lower boiling point to drive turbines and generate electricity.

Q99. What is the primary challenge associated with geothermal energy extraction from enhanced geothermal systems (EGS)?
a) High installation costs
b) Limited availability of suitable sites
c) Technical complexity
d) Environmental concerns

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Correct Answer: c) Technical complexity
Explanation: Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) involve complex drilling and reservoir engineering techniques to create and maintain fractures in hot rock formations. The technical challenges associated with EGS, such as drilling depths and reservoir stimulation, contribute to its limited commercial deployment.

Q100. Which renewable energy source can complement geothermal energy in providing baseload power?
a) Solar
b) Wind
c) Biomass
d) Hydroelectric

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Correct Answer: d) Hydroelectric

Explanation: Hydroelectric power generation, particularly from large-scale dams and reservoirs, can complement geothermal energy in providing baseload power. Both sources offer reliable and continuous electricity generation, making them suitable for meeting the base demand for power.

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