GK MCQ on Renewable Energy

Q6. Solar energy can be stored for later use using which of the following technologies?
a) Batteries
b) Capacitors
c) Flywheels
d) Resistors

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Correct Answer: a) Batteries
Explanation: Batteries are commonly used to store excess solar energy generated during the day for use during periods of low sunlight or at night, making solar power more reliable and versatile.

Q7. What is the process by which solar energy is converted into heat to warm buildings or water?
a) Photovoltaics
b) Solar thermal
c) Solar radiation
d) Solar conversion

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Correct Answer: b) Solar thermal
Explanation: Solar thermal systems use collectors to absorb sunlight and convert it into heat, which can be used directly for space heating, water heating, or to generate electricity through steam turbines.

Q8. Which of the following is a potential environmental benefit of using solar energy?
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Land degradation
d) Greenhouse gas emissions

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Correct Answer: d) Greenhouse gas emissions
Explanation: Solar energy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during electricity generation, unlike fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, making it a cleaner alternative for reducing carbon emissions.

Q9. What is the term for the angle at which solar panels are tilted to maximize sunlight exposure?
a) Inclination
b) Tilt angle
c) Azimuth
d) Latitude

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Correct Answer: b) Tilt angle
Explanation: The tilt angle of solar panels refers to the angle at which they are positioned relative to the horizontal plane, optimized to capture the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the day based on geographic location.

Q10. Which of the following is NOT a type of solar power system?
a) Grid-tied
b) Off-grid
c) Hybrid
d) Nuclear

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Correct Answer: d) Nuclear
Explanation: Nuclear power is not a type of solar power system. Grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid systems are common configurations for utilizing solar energy.

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