GK MCQ on Renewable Energy

Q56. Which type of hydropower plant typically has the smallest environmental footprint?
a) Reservoir
b) Tidal
c) Run-of-the-river
d) Pumped-storage

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Correct Answer: c) Run-of-the-river
Explanation: Run-of-the-river hydropower plants have the smallest environmental footprint among hydropower plant types, as they do not require large reservoirs and have minimal impact on river ecosystems.

Q57. What is the term for the process of returning water used in hydropower generation back to its natural environment?
a) Replenishment
b) Conservation
c) Reclamation
d) Environmental flow

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Correct Answer: d) Environmental flow
Explanation: Environmental flow refers to the process of returning water used in hydropower generation back to its natural environment to maintain the ecological balance of rivers and ecosystems.

Q58. Which factor limits the widespread adoption of tidal hydropower technology?
a) Limited availability of tidal energy
b) High installation costs
c) Environmental concerns
d) Lack of suitable locations

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Correct Answer: d) Lack of suitable locations
Explanation: The widespread adoption of tidal hydropower technology is limited by the availability of suitable locations with strong tidal currents and the necessary infrastructure for installation.

Q59. What is the term for the electricity generated by small-scale hydropower systems for local use?
a) Grid-connected power
b) Off-grid power
c) Distributed power
d) Centralized power

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Correct Answer: b) Off-grid power
Explanation: Off-grid power refers to electricity generated by small-scale hydropower systems for local use, independent of the main electrical grid. It is commonly used in remote areas where grid connection is impractical.

Q60. Which environmental impact is associated with the construction of large dams for hydropower projects?
a) Loss of biodiversity
b) Soil erosion
c) Air pollution
d) Noise pollution

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Correct Answer: a) Loss of biodiversity
Explanation: The construction of large dams for hydropower projects can lead to the loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction, altered water flow patterns, and fragmentation of ecosystems. This impact can have long-term consequences on local flora and fauna.

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