GK MCQ on Reforms And Acts During British Empire Pre 1857

Q21. The Treaty of Amritsar (1809) was signed between the British and which Indian leader?
a) Tipu Sultan
b) Peshwa Baji Rao II
c) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
d) Nizam of Hyderabad

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Correct Answer: c) Maharaja Ranjit

Q22. Who signed the Treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1809?
a) Lord Irwin
b) Lord Wellington
c) Charles T. Metcalfe
d) Lord Linlithgow

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Correct Answer: c) Charles T. Metcalfe
Explanation: The Treaty of Amritsar was signed in 1809 between Charles T. Metcalfe, representing the British East India Company, and Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh leader who founded the Sikh Empire.

Q23. What was the main purpose of the Treaty of Amritsar (1809)?
a) To establish the Sutlej River as the boundary between the British East India Company and the Sikh Empire
b) To allow the British to annex the Sikh territories south of the Sutlej River
c) To grant the Sikh Empire control over the Kashmir region
d) To form an alliance between the British and the Sikh Empire against the French

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Correct Answer: a) To establish the Sutlej River as the boundary between the British East India Company and the Sikh Empire
Explanation: The main purpose of the Treaty of Amritsar (1809) was to establish the Sutlej River as the boundary between the British East India Company and the Sikh Empire led by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. This was done to prevent further territorial expansion by the Sikhs south of the Sutlej River.

Q24. What was the significance of the Treaty of Amritsar (1809) in the formation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir?
a) It led to the annexation of Kashmir by the British East India Company
b) It granted the Sikh Empire control over the Kashmir region
c) It paved the way for the creation of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir under the Dogra rulers
d) It had no direct impact on the formation of Jammu and Kashmir

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Correct Answer: c) It paved the way for the creation of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir under the Dogra rulers
Explanation: The Treaty of Amritsar (1809) was a precursor to the formation of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. After the First Anglo-Sikh War, the British granted the Dogra ruler Gulab Singh dominion over Jammu and Kashmir through the Treaty of Amritsar, which was signed a week after the Treaty of Lahore in 1846. This led to the creation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir under the Dogra dynasty.

Q25. How did the Treaty of Amritsar (1809) impact the territorial expansion of the Sikh Empire?
a) It allowed the Sikh Empire to expand its territories south of the Sutlej River
b) It prevented the Sikh Empire from expanding its territories south of the Sutlej River
c) It granted the Sikh Empire control over the Kashmir region
d) It had no impact on the territorial expansion of the Sikh Empire

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Correct Answer: b) It prevented the Sikh Empire from expanding its territories south of the Sutlej River
Explanation: The Treaty of Amritsar (1809) established the Sutlej River as the boundary between the British East India Company and the Sikh Empire. This prevented the Sikh Empire, led by Maharaja Ranjit Singh, from further expanding its territories south of the Sutlej River. However, the treaty allowed the Sikh Empire to expand its territories to the north and west, leading to the unification of various Sikh territories into the Sikh Empire.

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