GK MCQ on Nutrition in Animals

Q21. What type of feeder is a mosquito?
a) Sanguivorous
b) Herbivorous
c) Carnivorous
d) Omnivorous

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Correct Answer: a) Sanguivorous
Explanation: Mosquitoes are sanguivorous feeders, meaning they feed on the blood of other animals. Female mosquitoes, in particular, require the protein and iron found in blood to produce eggs. This feeding behavior also makes them vectors for various diseases.

Q22. What is the primary purpose of the enzyme lactase in mammals?
a) To break down proteins in milk
b) To synthesize lactose
c) To break down lactose in milk
d) To emulsify fats in milk

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Correct Answer: c) To break down lactose in milk
Explanation: Lactase is an enzyme in mammals that breaks down lactose, the sugar found in milk, into simpler sugars (glucose and galactose). This enzyme is crucial for digesting milk, especially in infancy.

Q23. An animal that exclusively eats plant leaves is called
a) Folivorous
b) Frugivorous
c) Granivorous
d) Carnivorous

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Correct Answer: a) Folivorous
Explanation: Folivorous animals are those that exclusively feed on plant leaves. They are specially adapted to digest the tough, fibrous material found in leaves, which is a primary source of their nutrition.

Q24. What is coprophagy?
a) Eating meat
b) Eating fruit
c) Consuming feces for nutritional benefit
d) Feeding on dead matter

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Correct Answer: c) Consuming feces for nutritional benefit
Explanation: Coprophagy refers to the consumption of feces, either their own or that of other animals, for nutritional benefit. This behavior is seen in various animals and can help in the digestion of food or absorption of additional nutrients.

Q25. Which organ in birds is used to store and soften food before digestion?
a) Gizzard
b) Crop
c) Cecum
d) Pancreas

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Correct Answer: b) Crop
Explanation: In birds, the crop is an organ used to store and soften food before it enters the stomach. The crop allows birds to eat food quickly and then digest it slowly over time, which can be beneficial for avoiding predators.

Q26. Parasitic nutrition is a mode of feeding where an organism
a) Feeds on dead organic matter
b) Obtains nutrients from another living organism without benefitting the host
c) Consumes plant nectar
d) Eats fruits and seeds

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Correct Answer: b) Obtains nutrients from another living organism without benefitting the host
Explanation: Parasitic nutrition involves an organism (the parasite) obtaining nutrients from another living organism (the host). The parasite benefits at the expense of the host, often causing harm without providing any benefit in return.

Q27. The largest part of the human digestive system, responsible for the final stages of digestion, is the
a) Small intestine
b) Large intestine
c) Stomach
d) Esophagus

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Correct Answer: b) Large intestine
Explanation: The large intestine is the final part of the human digestive system and is responsible for the final stages of digestion. It absorbs water and electrolytes, forming and expelling feces.

Q28. In mammals, what is the primary function of incisor teeth?
a) Tearing meat
b) Grinding food
c) Cutting and biting food
d) Chewing and mashing food

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Correct Answer: c) Cutting and biting food
Explanation: In mammals, incisor teeth are primarily used for cutting and biting food. They have sharp edges that are efficient for slicing through various types of food, particularly important in the initial stages of eating.

Q29. Which nutrient is necessary for building and repairing body tissues?
a) Fats
b) Proteins
c) Carbohydrates
d) Vitamins

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Correct Answer: b) Proteins
Explanation: Proteins are essential nutrients for building and repairing body tissues. They are vital for growth, maintenance, and the repair of cells and tissues. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle, skin, enzymes, and hormones.

Q30. What is the term for animals that primarily eat fruits?
a) Frugivorous
b) Insectivorous
c) Carnivorous
d) Herbivorous

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Correct Answer: a) Frugivorous
Explanation: Frugivorous animals are those that primarily consume fruits. These animals play an important ecological role, often aiding in the dispersal of seeds contained within the fruits they consume.

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