GK MCQ on North America continent

Q1. Which is the largest country by area in North America?
a) Canada
b) United States
c) Mexico
d) Greenland

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Correct Answer: a) Canada
Explanation: Canada is the largest country in North America by total area, covering approximately 9.98 million square kilometers. It is the second-largest country in the world after Russia.

Q2. What is the capital city of the United States of America?
a) New York City
b) Washington, D.C.
c) Los Angeles
d) Chicago

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Correct Answer: b) Washington, D.C.
Explanation: Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States. It is not part of any state and is located on the country’s East Coast.

Q3. Which river forms part of the border between the USA and Mexico?
a) Mississippi River
b) Colorado River
c) Rio Grande
d) Missouri River

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Correct Answer: c) Rio Grande
Explanation: The Rio Grande is one of the principal rivers in the southwest United States and northern Mexico. It forms part of the border between the USA and Mexico.

Q4. Which is the highest peak in North America?
a) Mount Logan
b) Mount Denali
c) Mount Saint Elias
d) Mount Whitney

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Correct Answer: b) Mount Denali
Explanation: Mount Denali, formerly known as Mount McKinley, is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of 20,310 feet above sea level.

Q5. What is the predominant language spoken in Canada?
a) English
b) French
c) Both English and French
d) Spanish

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Correct Answer: c) Both English and French
Explanation: Canada is officially bilingual at the federal level, meaning both English and French are recognized as official languages, with widespread use across the country.

Q6. Which North American city is known as the “Entertainment Capital of the World”?
a) New York City
b) Los Angeles
c) Las Vegas
d) Miami

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Correct Answer: c) Las Vegas
Explanation: Las Vegas, located in the state of Nevada, is widely known as the “Entertainment Capital of the World” due to its vast array of casinos, entertainment shows, and luxury hotels.

Q7. Which country in North America has the largest population?
a) Canada
b) United States
c) Mexico
d) Cuba

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Correct Answer: b) United States
Explanation: The United States has the largest population in North America, with an estimated population of over 331 million people as of 2021.

Q8. What is the name of the largest freshwater lake in North America?
a) Lake Superior
b) Lake Michigan
c) Lake Huron
d) Lake Ontario

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Correct Answer: a) Lake Superior
Explanation: Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America. It is the world’s largest freshwater lake by surface area.

Q9. Which North American landmark is a global symbol of freedom and democracy?
a) Statue of Liberty
b) Golden Gate Bridge
c) CN Tower
d) Mount Rushmore

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Correct Answer: a) Statue of Liberty
Explanation: The Statue of Liberty, located in New York Harbor, is an iconic symbol of freedom and democracy. It was a gift from France to the United States.

Q10. Which of the following is a major economic activity in Mexico?
a) Oil production
b) Textile manufacturing
c) Technology
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Mexico’s economy is diverse, including major sectors such as oil production, textile manufacturing, and technology, contributing significantly to its GDP.

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