GK MCQ on Mode of Nutrition in Animals

Q41. Filter feeding, a method of feeding where small particles are strained from water, is typical in
a) Large mammals
b) Predatory birds
c) Aquatic invertebrates
d) Desert reptiles

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Correct Answer: c) Aquatic invertebrates
Explanation: Filter feeding is a common method of feeding among aquatic invertebrates like some species of krill, sponges, and bivalves. They strain small food particles, such as plankton, from the water using specialized filtering structures.

Q42. Which term describes the diet of animals that primarily feed on fish?
a) Piscivorous
b) Insectivorous
c) Herbivorous
d) Carnivorous

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Correct Answer: a) Piscivorous
Explanation: Piscivorous animals primarily feed on fish. This diet is observed in various species, including some birds (like kingfishers), marine mammals (like dolphins), and fish (like pikes).

Q43. What is the main role of the saliva in the digestive process of animals?
a) To break down fats
b) To emulsify proteins
c) To initiate the digestion of carbohydrates
d) To absorb nutrients

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Correct Answer: c) To initiate the digestion of carbohydrates
Explanation: Saliva plays a crucial role in the initial digestion of carbohydrates. It contains the enzyme amylase, which starts breaking down starches into simpler sugars. Saliva also moistens food, aiding in swallowing and the beginning of digestion.

Q44. An animal that mainly feeds on the blood of others, like a vampire bat, is referred to as
a) Sanguivorous
b) Hematophagous
c) Piscivorous
d) Insectivorous

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Correct Answer: b) Hematophagous
Explanation: Hematophagous animals feed on the blood of others. This term is often used to describe creatures like vampire bats, certain species of leeches, and mosquitoes, which have specialized adaptations for consuming blood.

Q45. The organ that stores bile in many vertebrates is the
a) Liver
b) Gallbladder
c) Pancreas
d) Spleen

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Correct Answer: b) Gallbladder
Explanation: The gallbladder is an organ in many vertebrates that stores bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver. The gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine, where it helps in the digestion and absorption of fats.

Q46. What mechanism do snakes use to consume their prey?
a) Chewing
b) Suction feeding
c) Engulfing whole
d) Tearing into pieces

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Correct Answer: c) Engulfing whole
Explanation: Snakes consume their prey by engulfing it whole. Their highly flexible jaws allow them to swallow prey much larger than their heads. Snakes do not chew their food but digest it with powerful enzymes in their gut.

Q47. The primary function of molar teeth in many herbivorous mammals is to
a) Tear leaves
b) Grind and crush plant material
c) Capture prey
d) Dig holes

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Correct Answer: b) Grind and crush plant material
Explanation: In many herbivorous mammals, molar teeth have a flat and wide surface that is used for grinding and crushing plant material. This is crucial for breaking down tough fibers and making nutrients more accessible for digestion.

Q48. A common adaptation in predatory animals for catching and killing prey is
a) Long, sharp claws
b) Strong hind legs
c) Colorful feathers
d) Large, flat teeth

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Correct Answer: a) Long, sharp claws
Explanation: Long, sharp claws are a common adaptation in predatory animals. They aid in catching and holding onto prey, as well as in inflicting wounds. This adaptation is seen in various carnivorous mammals and birds.

Q49. What describes an animal’s diet that is high in sugary plant secretions, like that of butterflies and honeybees?
a) Nectarivorous
b) Frugivorous
c) Herbivorous
d) Carnivorous

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Correct Answer: a) Nectarivorous
Explanation: Nectarivorous animals specialize in consuming nectar, a sugary plant secretion. This diet is typical of many insects like butterflies and bees. They are often adapted with specialized mouthparts to access and consume nectar from flowers.

Q50. The process by which cattle and other ruminants digest cellulose is called
a) Hydrolysis
b) Fermentation
c) Photosynthesis
d) Predation

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Correct Answer: b) Fermentation
Explanation: Ruminants like cattle digest cellulose through a process called fermentation in their specialized stomach chambers. Microorganisms present in these chambers break down the cellulose into simpler compounds that the animal can then digest.

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