GK MCQ on Living Animals in the Sea

Q41. What is a unique feature of the blue-ringed octopus?
A) It has three hearts
B) It is highly venomous
C) It can fly
D) It has ten arms

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Correct Answer: B) It is highly venomous
Explanation: The blue-ringed octopus is known for its venom, which can be fatal to humans and is used to capture its prey.

Q42. Which sea creatures are known for their long migrations across the ocean?
A) Sea urchins
B) Sea cucumbers
C) Sea turtles
D) Barnacles

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Correct Answer: C) Sea turtles
Explanation: Sea turtles are known for their impressive long-distance migrations, often traveling thousands of miles between feeding grounds and nesting beaches.

Q43. What type of animal is a barnacle?
A) Crustacean
B) Mollusk
C) Cnidarian
D) Echinoderm

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Correct Answer: A) Crustacean
Explanation: Barnacles are crustaceans, related to crabs and lobsters, known for their hard calcareous plates that encase them.

Q44. Which marine animal is known for its distinctive horseshoe-shaped shell?
A) Horseshoe crab
B) Lobster
C) Sea turtle
D) Clam

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Correct Answer: A) Horseshoe crab
Explanation: Horseshoe crabs are known for their hard, horseshoe-shaped shells, which provide protection from predators.

Q45. What is the primary diet of the sperm whale?
A) Plankton
B) Fish
C) Seaweed
D) Squid

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Correct Answer: D) Squid
Explanation: Sperm whales primarily feed on squid, including the giant squid, diving deep into the ocean to hunt them.

Q46. Which fish is known for its ability to inflate to deter predators?
A) Clownfish
B) Pufferfish
C) Guppy
D) Goldfish

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Correct Answer: B) Pufferfish
Explanation: Pufferfish can inflate their bodies dramatically as a defence mechanism to appear larger and less palatable to predators.

Q47. What type of animal is a jellyfish?
A) Arthropod
B) Echinoderm
C) Cnidarian
D) Mollusk

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Correct Answer: C) Cnidarian
Explanation: Jellyfish are cnidarians, which also include corals and sea anemones, known for their gelatinous bodies and stinging cells.

Q48. Which marine animal is known for its long, slender body and sharp teeth?
A) Barracuda
B) Dolphin
C) Whale
D) Seal

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Correct Answer: A) Barracuda
Explanation: Barracudas are known for their fearsome appearance, characterized by a long, slender body and sharp, prominent teeth.

Q49. What adaptation allows seals to live in cold marine environments?
A) Fur
B) Blubber
C) Scales
D) Feathers

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Correct Answer: B) Blubber
Explanation: Seals have a thick layer of blubber under their skin, which provides insulation and helps them maintain body heat in cold waters.

Q50. Which crustacean is known for its migration on land to spawn?
A) Lobster
B) Crab
C) Shrimp
D) Krill

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Correct Answer: B) Crab
Explanation: Certain species of crabs, such as the Christmas Island red crab, are known for their spectacular annual migrations on land to spawn.

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