GK MCQ on Living Animals in the Sea

Q31. What is the primary diet of the leatherback sea turtle?
A) Seaweed
B) Jellyfish
C) Small fish
D) Crustaceans

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Correct Answer: B) Jellyfish
Explanation: Leatherback sea turtles primarily feed on jellyfish, and their mouth and throat structure is adapted to help them consume this gelatinous prey.

Q32. Which marine animal is known for its ability to deliver a powerful electric shock?
A) Electric eel
B) Stingray
C) Electric ray
D) Catfish

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Correct Answer: A) Electric eel
Explanation: Electric eel have specialized organs that can generate strong electric shocks, which they use for defence and to stun prey.

Q33. What type of animal is a Portuguese man o’ war?
A) Jellyfish
B) Sea slug
C) Siphonophore
D) Cnidarian

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Correct Answer: C) Siphonophore
Explanation: The Portuguese man o’ war is a siphonophore, a type of colonial organism composed of specialized individual animals (zooids) working together.

Q34. Which crustacean is known for its large claws?
A) Krill
B) Barnacle
C) Lobster
D) Shrimp

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Correct Answer: C) Lobster
Explanation: Lobsters are known for their large claws, which they use for defence and to capture prey.

Q35. What adaptation do deep-sea fish typically have for living in high-pressure environments?
A) Large eyes
B) Bioluminescence
C) Air-filled swim bladders
D) Thick scales

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Correct Answer: B) Bioluminescence
Explanation: Many deep-sea fish have bioluminescent capabilities, which help them attract prey and communicate in the pitch-black depths of the ocean.

Q26. Which marine animal is known for its spiral shell?
A) Clam
B) Sea snail
C) Oyster
D) Sea urchin

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Correct Answer: B) Sea snail
Explanation: Sea snails are known for their often beautifully spiral shells, which provide protection and a mobile home for the soft-bodied animal.

Q37. What is the primary diet of a manta ray?
A) Fish
B) Plankton
C) Seaweed
D) Crabs

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Correct Answer: B) Plankton
Explanation: Manta rays are filter feeders that consume large quantities of plankton as well as small fish and crustaceans.

Q38. Which fish is known for its flat body and eyes on one side of its head?
A) Flounder
B) Mackerel
C) Tuna
D) Salmon

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Correct Answer: A) Flounder
Explanation: Flounders are flatfish with both eyes located on one side of their head, an adaptation for living on the seafloor.

Q39. What type of animal is a sea anemone?
A) Arthropod
B) Echinoderm
C) Cnidarian
D) Mollusk

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Correct Answer: C) Cnidarian
Explanation: Sea anemones are cnidarians, related to corals and jellyfish, known for their stinging cells used to capture prey.

Q40. Which marine mammals are known for their tusks?
A) Dolphins
B) Whales
C) Walruses
D) Seals

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Correct Answer: C) Walruses
Explanation: Walruses are distinguished by their long tusks, which are actually elongated canine teeth used for defence, digging, and helping to pull themselves onto ice.

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