GK MCQ on Living Animals in the Sea

Q21. What is the primary habitat of the great white shark?
A) Freshwater rivers
B) Deep ocean trenches
C) Coastal waters
D) Arctic waters

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Correct Answer: C) Coastal waters
Explanation: Great white sharks are primarily found in coastal waters where they hunt large fish and marine mammals.

Q22. Which marine animal is known for its ability to regenerate lost limbs?
A) Dolphin
B) Sea star
C) Whale
D) Seal

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Correct Answer: B) Sea star
Explanation: Sea stars have the remarkable ability to regenerate lost arms, which can help them recover from predation or other injuries.

Q23. What type of animal is a moray eel?
A) Reptile
B) Fish
C) Mammal
D) Amphibian

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Correct Answer: B) Fish
Explanation: Moray eels are a type of fish, specifically part of the Anguilliformes order, known for their elongated bodies and lack of pelvic fins.

Q24. Which marine creatures are known for their impressive migrations?
A) Sea turtles
B) Sea urchins
C) Sea cucumbers
D) Barnacles

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Correct Answer: A) Sea turtles
Explanation: Sea turtles are known for their long-distance migrations between feeding grounds and the beaches where they nest.

Q24. What is the primary method of camouflage for a flounder?
A) Changing color
B) Mimicking other animals
C) Hiding under sand
D) Emitting light

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Correct Answer: C) Hiding under sand
Explanation: Flounders use their flat bodies and coloration to blend into the sandy ocean floor, effectively hiding from predators.

Q26. Which marine animal is known for its tusk?
A) Walrus
B) Narwhal
C) Seal
D) Sea lion

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Correct Answer: B) Narwhal
Explanation: Narwhals are known for their long, spiral tusks, which are actually elongated upper left canine teeth.

Q27. What is a unique feature of the anglerfish?
A) It has a luminescent lure
B) It can walk on the seabed
C) It changes colours
D) It has no teeth

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Correct Answer: A) It has a luminescent lure
Explanation: Anglerfish are known for the bioluminescent lure they use to attract prey in the dark depths of the ocean.

Q28. Which of the following is a characteristic of baleen whales?
A) They have sharp teeth
B) They use echolocation
C) They have baleen plates
D) They are the smallest whales

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Correct Answer: C) They have baleen plates
Explanation: Baleen whales, such as humpbacks and blue whales, have baleen plates they use to filter small animals like krill from the water.

Q29. What type of fish is known for living in anemones?
A) Clownfish
B) Goby
C) Pufferfish
D) Catfish

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Correct Answer: A) Clownfish
Explanation: Clownfish are famous for their symbiotic relationships with sea anemones, where they find protection from predators.

Q30. Which marine animal is known for its long, needle-like nose?
A) Swordfish
B) Marlin
C) Narwhal
D) Seahorse

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Correct Answer: A) Swordfish
Explanation: Swordfish are named for their elongated, flat bill, which resembles a sword and is used to slash at prey.

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