GK MCQ on Living Animals in the Sea

Q11. What is the primary method of movement for most fish?
A) Walking on the seabed
B) Flying through water
C) Swimming using fins
D) Floating with currents

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Correct Answer: C) Swimming using fins
Explanation: Most fish swim using their fins, which provide propulsion and steering capabilities.

Q12. Which marine animal is known for having a hard exoskeleton?
A) Jellyfish
B) Sea slug
C) Crab
D) Eel

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Correct Answer: C) Crab
Explanation: Crabs have a hard exoskeleton made of chitin, which provides protection and structural support.

Q13. What type of habitat is typically associated with lobsters?
A) Open ocean
B) Sandy beaches
C) Coral reefs
D) Rocky bottoms

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Correct Answer: D) Rocky bottoms
Explanation: Lobsters are commonly found in rocky bottoms where they can hide from predators and hunt for food.

Q14. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of echinoderms?
A) Bilateral symmetry
B) Radial symmetry
C) No symmetry
D) Asymmetrical body

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Correct Answer: B) Radial symmetry
Explanation: Echinoderms, such as starfish and sea urchins, typically exhibit radial symmetry.

Q15. What is the primary diet of sea stars?
A) Plankton
B) Small fish
C) Mollusks
D) Seaweed

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Correct Answer: C) Mollusks
Explanation: Sea stars primarily feed on mollusks, which they are able to pry open with their strong arms.

Q16. Which marine reptile is known for its long lifespan?
A) Sea snake
B) Marine iguana
C) Saltwater crocodile
D) Sea turtle

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Correct Answer: D) Sea turtle
Explanation: Sea turtles are known for their long lifespans, with some individuals living over 50 years.

Q17. What unique feature do seahorses have compared to other fish?
A) They have scales
B) They swim horizontally
C) Males carry the young
D) They lack fins

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Correct Answer: C) Males carry the young
Explanation: Seahorses are unique among fish because the males carry the fertilized eggs in a pouch until they hatch.

Q18. Which group of marine animals includes squids and octopuses?
A) Cnidarians
B) Arthropods
C) Mollusks
D) Echinoderms

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Correct Answer: C) Mollusks
Explanation: Squids and octopuses belong to the class Cephalopoda, which is part of the phylum Mollusca.

Q19. What adaptation helps penguins in cold water environments?
A) Long legs
B) Fur coats
C) Blubber
D) Beaks

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Correct Answer: C) Blubber
Explanation: Penguins have a layer of blubber under their skin that provides insulation against the cold temperatures of their aquatic environments.

Q20. Which fish is known for its ability to puff up when threatened?
A) Clownfish
B) Pufferfish
C) Guppy
D) Goldfish

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Correct Answer: B) Pufferfish
Explanation: Pufferfish can inflate their bodies by swallowing water or air, which makes them appear larger and less palatable to predators.

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