GK MCQ on Living Animals in the Sea

Q1. What is the largest marine mammal?
A) Great White Shark
B) Blue Whale
C) Orca
D) Manatee

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Correct Answer: B) Blue Whale
Explanation: The blue whale is the largest marine mammal and the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth, reaching lengths of up to 100 feet or more.

Q2. Which marine animal is known for its eight arms?
A) Dolphin
B) Octopus
C) Sea Star
D) Crab

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Correct Answer: B) Octopus
Explanation: Octopuses are known for having eight arms, which they use for movement and manipulating objects.

Q3. What type of animal is a sea urchin?
A) Crustacean
B) Mollusk
C) Echinoderm
D) Cnidarian

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Correct Answer: C) Echinoderm
Explanation: Sea urchins are echinoderms, characterized by their spiny exteriors and radial symmetry.

Q4. Which marine creatures are known for building coral reefs?
A) Sponges
B) Cnidarians
C) Mollusks
D) Arthropods

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Correct Answer: B) Cnidarians
Explanation: Coral reefs are primarily built by coral, which belongs to the phylum Cnidaria.

Q5. What is the primary diet of the humpback whale?
A) Seaweed
B) Small fish
C) Plankton
D) Krill

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Correct Answer: D) Krill
Explanation: Humpback whales primarily feed on krill, as well as small fish and other forms of plankton.

Q6. Which marine animal is known for its ability to change color?
A) Sea cucumber
B) Cuttlefish
C) Sea turtle
D) Seal

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Correct Answer: B) Cuttlefish
Explanation: Cuttlefish are known for their ability to change colour rapidly, a feature they use for communication and camouflage.

Q7. What is the largest type of shark?
A) Hammerhead Shark
B) Great White Shark
C) Whale Shark
D) Tiger Shark

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Correct Answer: C) Whale Shark
Explanation: The whale shark is the largest shark species, known for its filter-feeding habits.

Q8. Which sea creature has a shell that it retreats into for protection?
A) Lobster
B) Sea urchin
C) Turtle
D) Clam

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Correct Answer: D) Clam
Explanation: Clams have hard shells that they can close tightly to protect themselves from predators and harsh environmental conditions.

Q9. What type of animal is a dolphin?
A) Fish
B) Mammal
C) Bird
D) Reptile

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Correct Answer: B) Mammal
Explanation: Dolphins are marine mammals, known for their intelligence, social behaviour, and echolocation abilities.

Q10. Which marine animals are known as “sea cows”?
A) Manatees
B) Dugongs
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

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Correct Answer: C) Both A and B
Explanation: Both manatees and dugongs are referred to as “sea cows” due to their large size and herbivorous diet.

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