Q41. Who invented the steam ship?
a) J.C. Perier
b) Robert Fulton
c) Samuel Cunard
d) Isambard Kingdom Brunel

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Correct Answer: a) J.C. Perier
Explanation: The steam ship was invented by J.C. Perier, a French inventor, in 1775. Perier’s invention marked a significant advancement in maritime transportation, as it allowed ships to be powered by steam engines rather than relying solely on wind and sails. The development of steam ships revolutionized global trade and travel, paving the way for the modern shipping industry.

Q42. Who invented the turbine ship?
a) J.C. Perier
b) Robert Fulton
c) Sir Charles Parsons
d) Isambard Kingdom Brunel

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Correct Answer: c) Sir Charles Parsons
Explanation: The turbine ship was invented by Sir Charles Parsons, a British engineer, in 1897. Parsons developed the steam turbine, which was a more efficient and powerful means of propulsion compared to the traditional reciprocating steam engines used in ships at the time. His invention was first demonstrated in the ship “Turbinia,” which achieved an impressive speed of 34.5 knots.

Q43. Who invented modern shorthand?
a) Sir Isaac Pitman
b) John Gregg
c) Samuel Morse
d) Thomas Edison

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Correct Answer: a) Sir Isaac Pitman
Explanation: Sir Isaac Pitman, an English educator, invented the most widely used system of shorthand, known as Pitman shorthand. He first proposed this system in “Stenographic Soundhand” in 1837. Pitman’s shorthand system was based on sound and became popular for its efficiency and speed, enabling people to record speech more quickly and accurately than traditional longhand writing.

Q44. Who invented the spinning frame?
a) Sir Richard Arkwright
b) James Hargreaves
c) Samuel Crompton
d) Eli Whitney

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Correct Answer: a) Sir Richard Arkwright
Explanation: The spinning frame, also known as the water frame, was invented by Sir Richard Arkwright, an English inventor and entrepreneur, in 1769. Arkwright’s invention was a significant improvement over previous spinning machines, as it used water power to spin cotton yarn more quickly and in greater quantities. The spinning frame played a crucial role in the growth of the textile industry during the Industrial Revolution.

Q45. Who invented the spinning jenny?
a) Sir Richard Arkwright
b) James Hargreaves
c) Samuel Crompton
d) Eli Whitney

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Correct Answer: b) James Hargreaves
Explanation: The spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreaves, an English weaver and carpenter, in 1764. Hargreaves’ invention was a hand-operated spinning machine that allowed a single worker to spin multiple threads simultaneously, greatly increasing productivity in the textile industry. The spinning jenny was an important development in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution.

Q46. Who invented the piston steam engine?
a) Thomas Newcomen
b) James Watt
c) George Stephenson
d) Robert Fulton

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Correct Answer: a) Thomas Newcomen
Explanation: The piston steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen, an English inventor, in 1712. Newcomen’s atmospheric steam engine was designed to pump water out of mines and was the first practical fuel-burning engine. His invention laid the foundation for the development of more advanced steam engines, which played a crucial role in the Industrial Revolution.

Q47. Who invented the condenser steam engine?
a) Thomas Newcomen
b) James Watt
c) George Stephenson
d) Robert Fulton

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Correct Answer: b) James Watt
Explanation: The condenser steam engine was invented by James Watt, a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, in 1765. Watt improved upon Thomas Newcomen’s atmospheric steam engine by adding a separate condenser, which significantly increased the engine’s efficiency and power output. Watt’s invention revolutionized the use of steam power and was a key development in the Industrial Revolution.

Q48. Who invented the steel production process?
a) Henry Bessemer
b) Andrew Carnegie
c) Benjamin Huntsman
d) William Kelly

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Correct Answer: a) Henry Bessemer
Explanation: The steel production process, known as the Bessemer process, was invented by Henry Bessemer, an English inventor, in 1856. The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial method for the mass production of steel from molten pig iron. Bessemer’s invention revolutionized the steel industry and made steel a more affordable and widely available material.

Q49. Who invented stainless steel?
a) Henry Bessemer
b) Harry Brearley
c) Benjamin Huntsman
d) William Kelly

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Correct Answer: b) Harry Brearley
Explanation: Stainless steel was invented by Harry Brearley, an English metallurgist, in 1913. Brearley discovered that adding chromium to steel made it resistant to rust and corrosion, creating a new alloy with unique properties. Stainless steel quickly became a popular material for a wide range of applications, including cutlery, cookware, and industrial equipment.

Q50. Who invented the tank?
a) Sir Ernest Swinton
b) Hiram Maxim
c) Richard Gatling
d) John Browning

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Correct Answer: a) Sir Ernest Swinton
Explanation: The tank was invented by Sir Ernest Swinton, a British military officer and engineer, during World War I. Swinton’s invention was designed to break through enemy trenches and provide cover for advancing infantry. The first tanks were used in combat by the British Army in 1916, and they quickly became a crucial weapon in modern warfare.

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