Q31. Who invented the electric razor?
a) Col. J. Schick
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Alexander Graham Bell

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Correct Answer: a) Col. J. Schick
Explanation: The electric razor was invented by Colonel Jacob Schick, an American military officer, inventor, and entrepreneur. Schick patented his first electric razor in 1930, which revolutionized men’s personal care by making shaving more convenient and safer

Q32. Who invented the refrigerator?
a) J. Harrison and A. Catlin
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Carl von Linde
d) Albert T. Marshall

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Correct Answer: a) J. Harrison and A. Catlin
Explanation: The refrigerator was invented by James Harrison and Alexander Catlin. Harrison, an Australian journalist and inventor, developed the first practical vapor-compression refrigeration system in the 1850s. Catlin, an American inventor, patented the first mechanical refrigerator in 1899.

Q33. Who invented the revolver?
a) Samuel Colt
b) Richard Gatling
c) John Browning
d) Elias Howe

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Correct Answer: a) Samuel Colt
Explanation: The revolver was invented by Samuel Colt, an American inventor and industrialist. Colt patented his revolver mechanism in 1836, which enabled a gun to be fired multiple times without reloading. His invention revolutionized firearms and laid the foundation for large-scale growth of the firearms industry.

Q34. Who invented vulcanized rubber?
a) Charles Goodyear
b) Thomas Hancock
c) Wallace Hume Carothers
d) Hilaire de Chardonnet

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Correct Answer: a) Charles Goodyear
Explanation: Vulcanized rubber was invented by Charles Goodyear, an American self-taught chemist and manufacturing engineer. Goodyear discovered the vulcanization process in 1839, which involved heating rubber with sulfur to make it more durable and resistant to temperature changes. His invention made possible the commercial use of rubber and laid the foundation for the rubber industry.

Q35. Who invented waterproof rubber?
a) Charles Macintosh
b) Thomas Hancock
c) Wallace Hume Carothers
d) Hilaire de Chardonnet

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Correct Answer: a) Charles Macintosh
Explanation: Waterproof rubber was invented by Charles Macintosh, a Scottish chemist and inventor. Macintosh developed a method for making waterproof fabrics by sandwiching a layer of rubber between two layers of cloth. His invention led to the creation of the famous “Macintosh” raincoat, which is still popular today.

Q36. Who invented the safety lamp?
a) Sir Humphrey Davy
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Alexander Graham Bell

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Correct Answer: a) Sir Humphrey Davy
Explanation: The safety lamp was invented by Sir Humphrey Davy, a British chemist and inventor. Davy developed the safety lamp in 1815 as a means to prevent explosions in coal mines caused by open flames igniting flammable gases. His invention greatly improved the safety of miners and became a standard piece of equipment in mines.

Q37. Who invented the safety pin?
a) Walter Hunt
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Alexander Graham Bell

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Correct Answer: a) Walter Hunt
Explanation: The safety pin was invented by Walter Hunt, an American mechanic and inventor. Hunt developed the safety pin in 1849 as a simple and practical solution for fastening clothes. His invention featured a coiled spring and clasp mechanism that securely held the pin in place, making it safer and more convenient than traditional straight pins.

Q38. Who invented the safety razor?
a) King Camp Gillette
b) Jean-Jacques Perret
c) Samuel O’Reilly
d) Elias Howe

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Correct Answer: a) King Camp Gillette
Explanation: The safety razor was invented by King Camp Gillette, an American businessman and inventor. Gillette developed the safety razor in 1901, which featured a thin, disposable blade that could be easily replaced, making shaving safer and more convenient than using traditional straight razors. The safety razor became a popular grooming tool and led to the development of various types of razors and shaving systems.

Q39. Who invented the sewing machine?
a) B. Thimmonnier
b) Thomas Saint
c) Elias Howe
d) Isaac Merritt Singer

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Correct Answer: a) B. Thimmonnier
Explanation: The first practical and widely used sewing machine was invented by Barthélemy Thimonnier, a French tailor, in 1829. Thimonnier’s machine sewed straight seams using a chain stitch and was the first to be put into production. His invention marked a significant advancement in the field of sewing and laid the foundation for modern sewing machines.

Q40. Who invented the scooter?
a) G. Bradshaw
b) Arthur Hugo Cecil Gibson
c) Wim Ouboter
d) Karl von Drais de Sauerbrun

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Correct Answer: a) G. Bradshaw
Explanation: The scooter was first invented in Germany in 1817 by Karl von Drais de Sauerbrun, who created a two-wheeled ride. Later, in 1916, Arthur Hugo Cecil Gibson and Joseph F. Merkel developed the first motorized scooter, known as the Autoped. The scooter has since evolved into various forms, including modern electric scooters.

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