Q21. Who invented the neon lamp?
a) Georges Claude
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Humphry Davy

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Correct Answer: a) Georges Claude
Explanation: The neon lamp was invented by Georges Claude, a French engineer and inventor, in 1910. Claude’s invention involved passing an electric current through a sealed glass tube containing neon gas, which produced a bright and colorful light. Neon lamps became popular for advertising and signage, and their distinctive glow remains a hallmark of urban landscapes around the world.

Q22. Who invented nylon?
a) Wallace Hume Carothers
b) Leo Baekeland
c) Charles Goodyear
d) Stephanie Kwolek

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Correct Answer: a) Wallace Hume Carothers
Explanation: Nylon was invented by Dr. Wallace Hume Carothers, an American chemist working for the DuPont company. Carothers and his team developed nylon in 1935 as a synthetic replacement for silk. Nylon quickly became a popular material for various applications, including clothing, parachutes, and ropes, due to its strength, durability, and resistance to moisture.

Q23. Who discovered penicillin?
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Alexander Fleming
c) Robert Koch
d) Joseph Lister

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Correct Answer: b) Alexander Fleming
Explanation: Penicillin, the first antibiotic, was discovered by Alexander Fleming, a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist, in 1928. Fleming’s discovery of penicillin revolutionized medicine by providing an effective treatment for bacterial infections, saving countless lives and paving the way for the development of other antibiotics.

Q24. Who invented photography on paper?
a) William Henry Fox Talbot
b) Louis Daguerre
c) Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
d) George Eastman

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Correct Answer: a) William Henry Fox Talbot
Explanation: Photography on paper was invented by William Henry Fox Talbot, an English scientist and inventor. In the 1830s, Talbot developed a process called calotype, which used light-sensitive paper to create photographic images. This invention marked a significant advancement in the field of photography and laid the foundation for modern photographic processes.

Q25. Who invented the printing press?
a) Johannes Gutenberg
b) Bi Sheng
c) William Caxton
d) Ottmar Mergenthaler

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Correct Answer: a) Johannes Gutenberg
Explanation: The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, a German blacksmith and inventor, in the mid-15th century. Gutenberg’s invention, which used movable type and a press mechanism, revolutionized the production of books and other printed materials, making them more accessible and affordable. The printing press played a crucial role in the spread of knowledge and the development of modern society.

Q26. Who invented radar?
a) Albert H. Taylor and Leo C. Young
b) Guglielmo Marconi
c) Heinrich Hertz
d) James Clerk Maxwell

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Correct Answer: a) Albert H. Taylor and Leo C. Young
Explanation: Radar, which stands for Radio Detection and Ranging, was invented by Dr. Albert H. Taylor and Leo C. Young, American scientists working for the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. They developed the first radar system in the early 1920s, which used radio waves to detect and locate objects. Radar technology has since become an essential tool for navigation, weather forecasting, and military applications.

Q27. Who discovered radium?
a) Marie and Pierre Curie
b) Henri Becquerel
c) Ernest Rutherford
d) J.J. Thomson

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Correct Answer: a) Marie and Pierre Curie
Explanation: Radium, a radioactive element, was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie, French physicists and chemists, in 1898. The Curies’ discovery of radium and its properties contributed significantly to the understanding of radioactivity and led to the development of various medical and industrial applications, including cancer treatments and luminous paints.

Q28. Who invented the radio?
a) Guglielmo Marconi
b) Nikola Tesla
c) Thomas Edison
d) Alexander Graham Bell

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Correct Answer: a) Guglielmo Marconi
Explanation: The radio, as a means of wireless communication, was invented by Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor and electrical engineer. In the late 19th century, Marconi developed the first practical radio communication system, which used electromagnetic waves to transmit information without wires. Marconi’s invention revolutionized communication and laid the foundation for the development of modern radio and television broadcasting.

Q29. Who invented rayon?
a) American Viscose Company
b) Hilaire de Chardonnet
c) Wallace Hume Carothers
d) Charles Goodyear

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Correct Answer: a) American Viscose Company
Explanation: Rayon, a synthetic fiber made from cellulose, was invented by the American Viscose Company in the early 20th century. Rayon was developed as an alternative to silk and other natural fibers and quickly became popular for its versatility, affordability, and ability to mimic the properties of natural fibers. Rayon is used in a wide range of applications, including clothing, home furnishings, and industrial products.

Q30. Who invented the safety razor?
a) King Camp Gillette
b) Jean-Jacques Perret
c) Samuel O’Reilly
d) Elias Howe

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Correct Answer: a) King Camp Gillette
Explanation: The safety razor was invented by King Camp Gillette, an American businessman and inventor, in 1901. Gillette’s invention featured a thin, disposable blade that could be easily replaced, making shaving safer and more convenient than using traditional straight razors. The safety razor became a popular grooming tool and led to the development of various types of razors and shaving systems.

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