Q11. Who invented the cinematograph?
a) Louis and Auguste Lumière
b) Charles Babbage
c) Eadweard Muybridge
d) Thomas Edison

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Correct Answer: a) Louis and Auguste Lumière
Explanation: The cinematograph was invented by Louis and Auguste Lumière, French inventors and pioneers in the field of motion pictures. The cinematograph was a combination of a camera and projector, which allowed the recording and projection of moving images. The Lumière brothers’ invention was based in part on the Kinetoscope/Kinetograph system of W.K.L. Dickson and Thomas Edison in the United States and in part on the Théâtre Optique of Émile Reynaud in Paris.

Q12. Who invented the computer?
a) Charles Babbage
b) Alan Turing
c) Blaise Pascal
d) John von Neumann

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Correct Answer: a) Charles Babbage
Explanation: Charles Babbage, an English mathematician and inventor, is often considered the “father of the computer” for his invention of the Analytical Engine, which was the first mechanical computer. Babbage began working on the Analytical Engine in the 1830s, and although it was never fully built during his lifetime, it laid the foundation for the development of modern computers.

Q13. Who invented the cine camera?
a) Louis and Auguste Lumière
b) Eadweard Muybridge
c) Thomas Edison and William Dickson
d) Francis Ronalds

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Correct Answer: c) Thomas Edison and William Dickson
Explanation: The cine camera, or motion picture camera, was invented by Thomas Edison and his assistant William Dickson in 1890. Their invention, known as the kinetograph, was one of the first motion picture cameras and used a long roll of celluloid photographic film to capture a series of images of people and objects in motion.

Q14. Who invented the machine gun?
a) Hiram Maxim
b) Richard Gatling
c) John Browning
d) Samuel Colt

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Correct Answer: a) Hiram Maxim
Explanation: Hiram Maxim, an American inventor, is credited with inventing the first effective machine gun in 1884. The Maxim machine gun was a fully automatic weapon that revolutionized warfare and became a standard weapon for various military forces around the world.

Q15. Who invented the safety match?
a) John Walker
b) Gustaf Erik Pasch
c) Samuel Jones
d) Alexander Parkes

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Correct Answer: b) Gustaf Erik Pasch
Explanation: The safety match was invented by Gustaf Erik Pasch, a Swedish inventor, in 1844. Pasch’s invention improved upon earlier friction matches by separating the combustible ingredients between the match head and a special striking surface, making the matches safer to use and store.

Q16. Who invented the microphone?
a) Emile Berliner
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Thomas Edison
d) Elisha Gray

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Correct Answer: a) Emile Berliner
Explanation: Emile Berliner, a German-American inventor, is credited with inventing the first modern microphone in 1876 while working with Thomas Edison. Berliner’s invention, the carbon microphone, became a crucial component of the first Bell telephones and laid the foundation for the development of various types of microphones used today.

Q17. Who invented the microscope?
a) Hans Lippershey
b) Hans and Zacharias Janssen
c) Anton van Leeuwenhoek
d) Galileo Galilei

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Correct Answer: b) Hans and Zacharias Janssen
Explanation: The microscope is believed to have been invented by Hans and Zacharias Janssen, a father-son team of Dutch spectacle makers, in the late 16th century. Their invention, the compound microscope, used multiple lenses to magnify objects and laid the foundation for the development of modern microscopes.

Q18. Who invented the mobile phone?
a) Martin Cooper
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Guglielmo Marconi
d) John F. Mitchell

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Correct Answer: a) Martin Cooper
Explanation: Martin Cooper, an American engineer and pioneer in the wireless communications industry, is credited with inventing the first handheld cellular mobile phone. Cooper made the first publicized handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC model on April 3, 1973.

Q19. Who invented the motor car (petrol)?
a) Karl Benz
b) Gottlieb Daimler
c) Henry Ford
d) Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot

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Correct Answer: a) Karl Benz
Explanation: The first petrol-powered motor car was invented by Karl Benz, a German engineer, in 1885. Benz’s invention, the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, was a three-wheeled vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine and is considered the first practical automobile

Q20. Who invented the motorcycle?
a) Gottlieb Daimler
b) Wilhelm Maybach
c) Sylvester Roper
d) Glenn Curtiss

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Correct Answer: a) Gottlieb Daimler
Explanation: The first motorcycle was invented by Gottlieb Daimler, a German engineer, in 1885. Daimler’s invention, known as the Daimler Reitwagen, was a two-wheeled vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine. The Reitwagen is considered the first true motorcycle and laid the foundation for the development of various types of motorcycles.

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