GK MCQ on Intelligence Agencies in the World

Q21. “NIS” is the national intelligence service of which country?
a) Norway
b) Nigeria
c) North Korea
d) South Korea

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Correct Answer: d) South Korea
Explanation: The National Intelligence Service (NIS) is the chief intelligence agency of South Korea, responsible for national security and foreign intelligence matters.

Q22. “SEBIN” is the intelligence agency of which country?
a) Saudi Arabia
b) Sudan
c) Spain
d) Venezuela

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Correct Answer: d) Venezuela
Explanation: The Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) is the premier intelligence and counterintelligence agency of Venezuela.

Q23. “MİT” is the national intelligence organization of which country?
a) Malta
b) Morocco
c) Mexico
d) Turkey

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Correct Answer: d) Turkey
Explanation: The National Intelligence Organization (MİT) is the governmental intelligence organization of Turkey, responsible for providing the Prime Minister and the Government with intelligence on foreign countries and internal security matters.

Q24. “SISDE” was the intelligence agency of which country before being replaced by AISI?
a) Italy
b) Indonesia
c) Ireland
d) Iraq

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Correct Answer: a) Italy
Explanation: The Intelligence and Democratic Security Service (SISDE) was Italy’s intelligence agency before being replaced by the Agency for Information and Internal Security (AISI).

Q25. “SSO” is the special service office of which country’s intelligence community?
a) Singapore
b) Switzerland
c) Sweden
d) Slovakia

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Correct Answer: a) Singapore
Explanation: The Special Service Office (SSO) is part of the intelligence community of Singapore, focusing on specialized intelligence missions and operations.

Q26. “BfV” is the domestic intelligence service of which country?
a) Belgium
b) Brazil
c) Bulgaria
d) Germany

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Correct Answer: d) Germany
Explanation: The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) is Germany’s domestic intelligence service, tasked with protecting the country from threats to its democratic constitutional order.

Q27. “DST” was the directorate of territorial surveillance of which country before being merged into DGSI?
a) Denmark
b) Dominican Republic
c) France
d) Finland

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Correct Answer: c) France
Explanation: The Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DST) was France’s domestic intelligence agency before being merged into the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI).

Q28. “ISI” is the intelligence service of the defense forces of which country?
a) Indonesia
b) India
c) Ireland
d) Iceland

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Correct Answer: c) Ireland
Explanation: The Intelligence Section (ISI) is the intelligence service of the Irish Defence Forces, responsible for military intelligence and counterintelligence.

Q29. “KGB” was the main security agency for which country during the Soviet era?
a) Kazakhstan
b) Kyrgyzstan
c) Soviet Union
d) Serbia

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Correct Answer: c) Soviet Union
Explanation: The KGB was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 until its collapse in 1991, responsible for state security, intelligence, and secret police functions.

Q30. “AQIS” is the intelligence service of which international organization?
a) African Union
c) Al-Qaeda
d) Arab League

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Correct Answer: c) Al-Qaeda
Explanation: Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) is the regional branch of the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, operating in the Indian Subcontinent with its own intelligence service.

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