Q41. The ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and was located in which country?
a) Greece
b) Egypt
c) Turkey
d) Cyprus

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Correct Answer: b) Egypt

Q42. The ancient city of Nineveh was the capital of which empire?
a) Babylonian
b) Assyrian
c) Persian
d) Hittite

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Correct Answer: b) Assyrian

Q43. The ancient city of Jericho is considered one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world and is located in which region?
a) Mesopotamia
b) The Levant
c) The Arabian Peninsula
d) The Nile Valley

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Correct Answer: b) The Levant

Q44. The ancient city of Mohenjo-daro was part of which civilization?
a) Mesopotamian
b) Egyptian
c) Indus Valley
d) Minoan

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Correct Answer: c) Indus Valley

Q45. The ancient city of Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of which empire?
a) Roman
b) Persian
c) Greek
d) Ottoman

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Correct Answer: b) Persian

Q46. The ancient city of Thebes was located in which modern-day country?
a) Greece
b) Egypt
c) Turkey
d) Italy

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Correct Answer: b) Egypt

Q47. The ancient city of Ur was located in which modern-day country?
a) Iran
b) Iraq
c) Syria
d) Jordan

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Correct Answer: b) Iraq

Q48. The ancient city of Uruk is considered one of the first true cities in human history and is located in which modern-day country?
a) Iran
b) Iraq
c) Syria
d) Jordan

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Correct Answer: b) Iraq

Q49. The ancient city of Babylon was famous for its Hanging Gardens, which were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Who is traditionally credited with building the gardens?
a) Nebuchadnezzar II
b) Hammurabi
c) Sargon of Akkad
d) Ashurbanipal

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Correct Answer: a) Nebuchadnezzar II

Q50. The ancient city of Knossos is associated with which ancient civilization?
a) Mycenaean
b) Minoan
c) Cycladic
d) Doric

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Correct Answer: b) Minoan

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