Q31. The Kremlin, a historic fortified complex, is located in which city?
a) St. Petersburg
b) Moscow
c) Kiev
d) Warsaw

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Correct Answer: b) Moscow

Q32. The ancient city of Carthage is located in which modern-day country?
a) Italy
b) Greece
c) Tunisia
d) Egypt

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Correct Answer: c) Tunisia

Q33. The Victoria Falls, known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya, are located on the border between which two countries?
a) Zambia and Zimbabwe
b) Kenya and Tanzania
c) South Africa and Namibia
d) Botswana and Mozambique

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Correct Answer: a) Zambia and Zimbabwe

Q34. The Terracotta Army was discovered near the tomb of which Chinese emperor?
a) Emperor Wu
b) Emperor Kangxi
c) Emperor Taizong
d) Emperor Qin Shi Huang

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Correct Answer: d) Emperor Qin Shi Huang

Q35. The ancient rock-cut city of Petra is believed to have been the capital of which kingdom?
a) Numidia
b) Osroene
c) Lazica
d) Nabatea

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Correct Answer: d) Nabatea

Q36. The Rialto Bridge is one of the oldest bridges spanning which canal in Venice?
a) Grand Canal
b) Cannaregio Canal
c) Giudecca Canal
d) Sile River

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Correct Answer: a) Grand Canal

Q37. The ancient Mayan city of Tikal is located in which country?
a) Mexico
b) Guatemala
c) Belize
d) Honduras

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Correct Answer: b) Guatemala

Q38. The ancient city of Babylon was located in which modern-day country?
a) Iran
b) Iraq
c) Syria
d) Jordan

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Correct Answer: b) Iraq

Q39. The Alhambra, a palace and fortress complex, is located in which Spanish city?
a) Madrid
b) Barcelona
c) Granada
d) Seville

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Correct Answer: c) Granada

Q40. The ancient city of Ephesus is located in which modern-day country?
a) Greece
b) Turkey
c) Italy
d) Cyprus

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Correct Answer: b) Turkey

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