GK MCQ on Human Teeth

Q21. What is the term for the misalignment of teeth?
A) Discoloration
B) Malocclusion
C) Abrasion
D) Erosion

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Correct Answer: B) Malocclusion
Explanation: Malocclusion refers to any degree of irregular contact between the teeth of the upper and lower dental arches.

Q22. Which vitamin deficiency can lead to gum disease?
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B12
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin D

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Correct Answer: C) Vitamin C
Explanation: Vitamin C deficiency can lead to gum disease, as it is essential for maintaining the health of the gums and other soft tissues in the mouth.

Q23. What is the dental term for tooth grinding?
A) Bruxism
B) Mastication
C) Attrition
D) Abrasion

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Correct Answer: A) Bruxism
Explanation: Bruxism is the medical term for grinding or clenching of teeth, often occurring involuntarily during sleep.

Q24. Which part of the tooth is primarily composed of calcium phosphate?
A) Enamel
B) Dentine
C) Pulp
D) Cementum

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Correct Answer: A) Enamel
Explanation: Enamel is primarily composed of calcium phosphate, making it the hardest and most mineralized substance in the body.

Q25. What is the term for inflammation of the dental pulp?
A) Pulpitis
B) Periodontitis
C) Gingivitis
D) Dentinitis

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Correct Answer: A) Pulpitis
Explanation: Pulpitis is the inflammation of the dental pulp, which can cause pain and sensitivity due to its rich nerve supply.

Q26. Which type of tooth is primarily responsible for maintaining the height of the dental arch?
A) Canines
B) Incisors
C) Molars
D) Premolars

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Correct Answer: A) Canines
Explanation: Canines play a crucial role in maintaining the height and alignment of the dental arch due to their long roots and strategic position.

Q27. What is the effect of fluoride on teeth?
A) Weakens enamel
B) Stains teeth
C) Reduces tooth decay
D) Increases sensitivity

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Correct Answer: C) Reduces tooth decay
Explanation: Fluoride helps to reduce tooth decay by making the tooth enamel more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth.

Q28. Which of the following is a symptom of periodontitis?
A) Increased tooth sensitivity
B) Loose teeth
C) White spots on teeth
D) Sharp pain when biting

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Correct Answer: B) Loose teeth
Explanation: One of the symptoms of advanced periodontitis is loose teeth, resulting from the destruction of the supporting tissue and bone around the teeth.

Q29. What is the main purpose of dental floss?
A) Whitening teeth
B) Strengthening gums
C) Removing plaque between teeth
D) Freshening breath

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Correct Answer: C) Removing plaque between teeth
Explanation: Dental floss is primarily used to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach.

Q30. Which of the following is not a recommended treatment for bruxism?
A) Wearing a mouth guard
B) Reducing stress
C) Chewing gum
D) Avoiding hard foods

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Correct Answer: C) Chewing gum
Explanation: Chewing gum is not recommended for treating bruxism as it can increase muscle activity and exacerbate the condition. Instead, wearing a mouth guard or reducing stress are beneficial treatments.

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