GK MCQ on Human Teeth

Q11. What is the common term for the third molars?
A) Canines
B) Incisors
C) Wisdom teeth
D) Premolars

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Correct Answer: C) Wisdom teeth
Explanation: Wisdom teeth are the third molars and usually the last teeth to erupt, typically appearing in late adolescence or early adulthood.

Q12. Which part of the tooth contains nerve endings and blood vessels?
A) Enamel
B) Dentine
C) Cementum
D) Pulp

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Correct Answer: D) Pulp
Explanation: The pulp is the central part of the tooth containing nerve endings and blood vessels, providing nutrients and sensory function.

Q13. What is the main cause of tooth decay?
A) Brushing too hard
B) Sugar
C) Fluoride
D) Calcium

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Correct Answer: B) Sugar
Explanation: Tooth decay is primarily caused by bacteria in the mouth metabolizing sugars from food and producing acids that erode tooth enamel.

Q14. Which type of teeth are unique to adult dentition?
A) Canines
B) Incisors
C) Molars
D) Premolars

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Correct Answer: D) Premolars
Explanation: Premolars are not present in the primary dentition and only appear in the permanent dentition, serving as transitional teeth between canines and molars.

Q15. What is the term for the alignment and occlusion of the upper and lower teeth when the jaws are closed?
A) Dentition
B) Malocclusion
C) Overbite
D) Bite

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Correct Answer: D) Bite
Explanation: The term ‘bite’ refers to the manner in which the upper and lower teeth align and come together when the jaws are closed.

Q16. Which condition is an advanced stage of gum disease involving the loss of bone around the teeth?
A) Gingivitis
B) Periodontitis
C) Dental caries
D) Enamel erosion

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Correct Answer: B) Periodontitis
Explanation: Periodontitis is a severe gum disease that not only affects the gums but also leads to the loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth, potentially causing tooth loss if untreated.

Q17. What is the primary function of incisors?
A) Grinding
B) Tearing
C) Cutting
D) Crushing

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Correct Answer: C) Cutting
Explanation: Incisors are the front teeth and are primarily used for cutting food, thanks to their sharp, chisel-shaped crowns.

Q18. Which dental procedure involves removing the pulp of a tooth?
A) Extraction
B) Crown
C) Root canal
D) Filling

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Correct Answer: C) Root canal
Explanation: A root canal procedure involves removing the damaged or infected pulp of a tooth, cleaning the canal, and sealing it to protect against future infections.

Q19. What is the term for the visible part of the tooth above the gum line?
A) Root
B) Crown
C) Neck
D) Pulp

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Correct Answer: B) Crown
Explanation: The crown is the part of the tooth that is visible above the gum line and is covered with enamel.

Q20. Which of the following materials is commonly used for dental fillings?
A) Plastic
B) Wood
C) Silver amalgam
D) Glass

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Correct Answer: C) Silver amalgam
Explanation: Silver amalgam is a common material used for dental fillings due to its durability and strength.

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