GK MCQ on Human Teeth

Q1. What is the hardest substance in the human body?
A) Bone
B) Enamel
C) Dentine
D) Cementum

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Q2. Which type of teeth are used for tearing food?
A) Incisors
B) Canines
C) Molars
D) Premolars

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Correct Answer: B) Canines
Explanation: Canines are pointed and are used for tearing food, playing a crucial role in the eating process.

Q3. What is the primary material found in the crown of a tooth?
A) Pulp
B) Enamel
C) Cementum
D) Dentine

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Correct Answer: B) Enamel
Explanation: The crown of a tooth is primarily covered by enamel, which is highly mineralized and protects the tooth from physical and chemical damage.

Q4. Which of the following is not a part of the periodontium?
A) Gingiva
B) Enamel
C) Alveolar bone
D) Periodontal ligament

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Correct Answer: B) Enamel
Explanation: The periodontium supports the teeth within the jaw and includes the gingiva, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligament, but not enamel, which is part of the tooth structure itself.

Q5. What type of tooth is the first to appear in the human mouth during development?
A) Molars
B) Canines
C) Incisors
D) Premolars

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Correct Answer: C) Incisors
Explanation: Incisors are the first teeth to erupt in both the primary and permanent dentitions, typically appearing when a child is about six months old.

Q6. Which cells are responsible for the formation of dental enamel?
A) Fibroblasts
B) Osteoblasts
C) Ameloblasts
D) Odontoblasts

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Correct Answer: C) Ameloblasts
Explanation: Ameloblasts are specialized cells that secrete the enamel matrix during tooth development.

Q7. What is the dental formula for adult human teeth?
A) 2-1-2-3
B) 2-1-0-2
C) 2-1-2-2
D) 2-1-2-1

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Correct Answer: A) 2-1-2-3
Explanation: The dental formula 2-1-2-3 represents the number of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars in one half of the mouth for adult humans.

Q8. Which condition is characterized by inflammation of the gums?
A) Periodontitis
B) Caries
C) Gingivitis
D) Pulpitis

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Correct Answer: C) Gingivitis
Explanation: Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums, often caused by plaque buildup and can lead to more serious gum diseases if not treated.

Q9. What is the function of molars?
A) Cutting
B) Tearing
C) Grinding
D) Holding

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Correct Answer: C) Grinding
Explanation: Molars have a large flat surface that is optimal for grinding food, making them essential for chewing and digestion.

Q10. Which of the following is not true about primary teeth?
A) They are also known as baby teeth
B) They are permanent
C) They typically start to erupt around six months of age
D) They are eventually replaced by permanent teeth

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Correct Answer: B) They are permanent
Explanation: Primary teeth, or baby teeth, are temporary and are eventually replaced by permanent teeth as a child develops.

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