GK MCQ on Human Hormones

Q21. Which hormone is known for its effects on increasing heart rate and blood pressure?
A) Adrenaline
B) Noradrenaline
C) Both A and B
D) Cortisol

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Correct Answer: C) Both A and B
Explanation: Both adrenaline and noradrenaline are involved in increasing heart rate and blood pressure, particularly during stress.

Q22. What hormone is produced by fat cells that regulates energy balance?
A) Leptin
B) Ghrelin
C) Insulin
D) Glucagon

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Correct Answer: A) Leptin
Explanation: Leptin, produced by fat cells, plays a crucial role in regulating energy balance by inhibiting hunger, which in turn diminishes fat storage in adipocytes.

Q23. Which hormone is responsible for stimulating uterine contractions during labor?
A) Oxytocin
B) Prolactin
C) Estrogen
D) Progesterone

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Correct Answer: A) Oxytocin
Explanation: Oxytocin, released by the posterior pituitary gland, stimulates uterine contractions during labor and also triggers milk ejection during breastfeeding.

Q24. What hormone is involved in the development of female secondary sexual characteristics?
A) Testosterone
B) Estrogen
C) Progesterone
D) Prolactin

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Correct Answer: B) Estrogen

Explanation: Estrogen is responsible for the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast development and the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Q25. Which hormone regulates the salt and water balance in the body?
A) Aldosterone
B) Cortisol
C) Adrenaline
D) Vasopressin

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Correct Answer: A) Aldosterone
Explanation: Aldosterone, produced by the adrenal cortex, helps regulate the salt and water balance by increasing the reabsorption of sodium and water and the release of potassium in the kidneys.

Q26. What hormone is released in response to low blood calcium levels?
A) Calcitonin
B) Parathyroid hormone
C) Thyroxine
D) Cortisol

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Correct Answer: B) Parathyroid hormone
Explanation: Parathyroid hormone is released in response to low blood calcium levels and works to increase those levels by acting on bones, kidneys, and the intestine.

Q27. Which hormone is produced by the kidneys to stimulate red blood cell production?
A) Erythropoietin
B) Renin
C) Calcitriol
D) Angiotensin

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Correct Answer: A) Erythropoietin
Explanation: Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Q28. What hormone is released by the heart to lower blood pressure?
A) Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
B) B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

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Correct Answer: C) Both A and B
Explanation: Both atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) are released by the heart and work to lower blood pressure by causing blood vessels to dilate and the kidneys to excrete more sodium and water.

Q29. Which hormone is responsible for stimulating milk production in the breasts?
A) Oxytocin
B) Prolactin
C) Estrogen
D) Progesterone

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Correct Answer: B) Prolactin
Explanation: Prolactin, produced by the anterior pituitary gland, is responsible for stimulating milk production in the breasts.

Q30. What hormone is secreted by the adrenal medulla and acts as a neurotransmitter?
A) Adrenaline
B) Noradrenaline
C) Dopamine
D) Serotonin

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Correct Answer: B) Noradrenaline
Explanation: Noradrenaline, also known as norepinephrine, is secreted by the adrenal medulla and acts as both a hormone and a neurotransmitter, involved in the body’s response to stress.

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