GK MCQ on Human Bones

Q11. Which muscles act in opposition to each other?
A) Cardiac Muscles
B) Skeletal Muscle
C) Antagonist muscles
D) Stapedius muscle

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Correct Answer: C) Antagonist muscles
Explanation: Antagonist muscles act in opposition to each other, such as biceps and triceps during arm movements.

Q12. Which is the smallest muscle in the human body?
A) Gluteus maximus
B) Antagonists
C) Stapedius
D) None of the above

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Correct Answer: C) Stapedius
Explanation: The stapedius is the smallest muscle in the human body, located in the ear.

Q13. Finger bones are also known as what?
A) Hamate bone
B) Girdles
C) Phalanges
D) Metacarpal

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Correct Answer: C) Phalanges
Explanation: Finger bones are known as phalanges and are divided into proximal, intermediate, and distal phalanges.

Q14. How many types of joints are present in the human body?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5

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Correct Answer: B) 3
Explanation: There are three types of joints in the human body: fixed or immovable joint, slightly movable or cartilaginous joint, and freely movable or synovial joint.

Q15. What is the record of electrical activity of muscle known as?
A) Electro-Cardiogram (ECG)
B) Electro-Myogram (EMG)
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B

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Correct Answer: B) Electro-Myogram (EMG)
Explanation: The record of electrical activity of muscle is known as an Electro-Myogram (EMG), while the record of the heart is known as an ECG.

Q16. At what age do you have the most bone density?
A) Your 20s
B) Your 30s
C) Your 40s
D) Your 50s

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Correct Answer: A) Your 20s
Explanation: Your body forms new bone at a faster pace than it loses it until around age 30, after which bone loss slowly gets faster than bone formation.

Q17. Which activity could cause a broken bone in someone with osteoporosis?
A) Coughing
B) Lifting
C) Bending
D) All of the above

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Correct Answer: D) All of the above
Explanation: In someone with osteoporosis, even minor activities like coughing, lifting, or bending can cause a broken bone due to weakened bones.

Q18. How many women ages 50 and older have at least one broken bone because of brittle bones?
A) 75%
B) 50%
C) 35%
D) 25%

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Correct Answer: C) 35%
Explanation: Approximately 35% of women ages 50 and older have at least one broken bone due to osteoporosis.

Q19. When do men lose bone at the same rate as women?
A) Age 55
B) Age 65
C) Age 75
D) Age 85

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Correct Answer: B) Age 65
Explanation: By age 65 or 70, men and women are losing bone at the same rate, although men have only one-fourth as many hip fractures as women.

Q20. Which factor makes it more likely that you will get osteoporosis?
A) Drinking too much alcohol
B) Family history
C) Smoking
D) All of the above

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Correct Answer: D) All of the above
Explanation: Drinking too much alcohol, family history, and smoking are all factors that can increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.

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