GK MCQ on Human Bones

Q1. How many bones are there in the human body?
A) 300
B) 206
C) 270
D) 213

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Correct Answer: B) 206
Explanation: The adult human skeleton consists of 206 bones. Although a human is born with approximately 300 bones, many of these fuses together as the body matures.

Q2. How many bones make up the human spinal column?
A) 26
B) 33
C) 24
D) 31

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Correct Answer: B) 33
Explanation: The human spinal column is made up of 33 bones, which include the vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs.

Q3. During heavy exercise, muscle cramps in the legs are due to the accumulation of what substance?
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Lactic acid
C) Uric acid
D) Glucose

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Correct Answer: B) Lactic acid
Explanation: During heavy exercise, anaerobic respiration in muscle cells leads to the formation of lactic acid, which can accumulate and cause muscle cramps.

Q4. How many canine teeth does an adult human have?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8

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Correct Answer: B) 4
Explanation: An adult human has four canine teeth, which help in tearing food.

Q5. Which is the longest muscle in the human body?
A) Trapezius
B) Gracilis
C) Soleus
D) Sartorius

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Correct Answer: D) Sartorius
Explanation: The sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the human body, helping flex, adduct, and rotate the hip.

Q6. Where is the Malleus bone located in the human body?
A) Middle Ear
B) Forearm
C) Foot
D) Hand

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Correct Answer: A) Middle Ear
Explanation: The Malleus bone is located in the middle ear and is involved in the transmission of sound vibrations.

Q7. What does the Axial Skeleton consist of?
A) Skull
B) Vertebral Column
C) Ribs and Sternum
D) All of the above

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Correct Answer: D) All of the above
Explanation: The axial skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum, totalling 80 bones.

Q8. Which is the longest and heaviest bone in the human body?
A) Femur
B) Fibula
C) Tibia
D) Ilium

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Correct Answer: A) Femur
Explanation: The femur, or thigh bone, is the longest and heaviest bone in the human body.

Q9. Which is the only movable bone in the human skull?
A) Ethmoid bone
B) Mandible bone
C) Nasal bone
D) Lacrimal bone

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Correct Answer: B) Mandible bone
Explanation: The mandible, or lower jawbone, is the only movable bone in the human skull.

Q10. Which is the thinnest bone in the human body?
A) Stapes
B) Malleus
C) Incus
D) Fibula

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Correct Answer: D) Fibula
Explanation: The fibula is a leg bone and is the thinnest bone in the human body.

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