GK MCQ on Foundation Day of Some States

Q11. ‘Sikkim Day’ is celebrated on which date?
a) 16th May
b) 2nd June
c) 9th November
d) 15th January

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Correct Answer: a) 16th May
Explanation: Sikkim Day is celebrated on 16th May. It marks the day in 1975 when Sikkim became the 22nd state of India.

Q12. The Foundation Day of Chhattisgarh is observed on which date?
a) 1st November
b) 9th November
c) 15th November
d) 1st December

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Correct Answer: a) 1st November
Explanation: Chhattisgarh observes its Foundation Day on 1st November. It was carved out of Madhya Pradesh in 2000.

Q13. ‘Jharkhand Foundation Day’ is celebrated on which date?
a) 15th April
b) 15th November
c) 1st November
d) 2nd June

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Correct Answer: b) 15th November
Explanation: Jharkhand Foundation Day is celebrated on 15th November. It marks the establishment of Jharkhand as a separate state from Bihar in 2000.

Q14. Which state celebrates its Foundation Day on 9th November?
a) Uttarakhand
b) Jharkhand
c) Chhattisgarh
d) Telangana

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Correct Answer: a) Uttarakhand
Explanation: Uttarakhand celebrates its Foundation Day on 9th November. It was formed in 2000 from the hilly regions of Uttar Pradesh.

Q15. ‘Mizoram Day’ is observed on which date?
a) 20th February
b) 1st May
c) 2nd June
d) 9th November

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Correct Answer: a) 20th February
Explanation: Mizoram Day is observed on 20th February. It marks the day in 1987 when Mizoram became the 23rd state of India.

Q16. On which date is ‘Arunachal Pradesh Day’ celebrated?
a) 20th February
b) 1st May
c) 2nd June
d) 9th November

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Correct Answer: a) 20th February
Explanation: Arunachal Pradesh Day is celebrated on 20th February. It commemorates the day in 1987 when Arunachal Pradesh attained statehood.

Q17. ‘Madhya Pradesh Day’ is observed on which date?
a) 1st November
b) 1st May
c) 15th November
d) 9th November

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Correct Answer: a) 1st November
Explanation: Madhya Pradesh Day is observed on 1st November. It marks the day in 1956 when the state was created as part of the reorganization of states on linguistic lines.

Q18. Which state celebrates its Foundation Day on 1st December?
a) Nagaland
b) Mizoram
c) Sikkim
d) Arunachal Pradesh

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Correct Answer: a) Nagaland
Explanation: Nagaland celebrates its Foundation Day on 1st December. It became the 16th state of India in 1963.

Q19. ‘Kerala Piravi’ or Kerala Foundation Day is celebrated on which date?
a) 1st November
b) 1st May
c) 2nd June
d) 9th November

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Correct Answer: a) 1st November
Explanation: Kerala Piravi or Kerala Foundation Day is celebrated on 1st November. It marks the birth of the state of Kerala in 1956.

Q20. When is ‘Maharashtra Day’ observed?
a) 1st May
b) 30th May
c) 1st November
d) 2nd June

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Correct Answer: a) 1st May
Explanation: Maharashtra Day is observed on 1st May. It commemorates the formation of the state of Maharashtra from the division of the Bombay State in 1960.

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