GK MCQ on Foundation Day of Some States

Q1. Which state in India celebrates its Foundation Day on 1st November?
a) Karnataka
b) Kerala
c) Punjab
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Karnataka, Kerala, and Punjab all celebrate their Foundation Day on 1st November. This day marks the reorganization of states on linguistic lines in 1956, leading to the formation of these states.

Q2. On which date is the Foundation Day of Gujarat celebrated?
a) 1st May
b) 30th May
c) 1st November
d) 2nd June

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Correct Answer: a) 1st May
Explanation: Gujarat celebrates its Foundation Day on 1st May. It was formed in 1960 when the state of Bombay was divided into Maharashtra and Gujarat.

Q3. When is ‘Telangana Formation Day’ observed?
a) 2nd June
b) 1st November
c) 20th February
d) 9th November

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Correct Answer: a) 2nd June
Explanation: Telangana Formation Day is observed on 2nd June. It commemorates the day in 2014 when Telangana was officially formed as a separate state from Andhra Pradesh.

Q4. Which state celebrates its Foundation Day on 30th May?
a) Goa
b) Rajasthan
c) Sikkim
d) Mizoram

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Correct Answer: a) Goa
Explanation: Goa celebrates its Foundation Day on 30th May. It marks the day in 1987 when Goa attained statehood after being a Union Territory.

Q5. ‘Uttar Pradesh Day’ is celebrated on which date?
a) 24th January
b) 1st November
c) 9th November
d) 15th November

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Correct Answer: a) 24th January
Explanation: Uttar Pradesh Day is celebrated on 24th January. It was introduced in 2017 to mark the day when the state was renamed from the United Provinces in 1950.

Q6. The Foundation Day of which state is known as ‘Rajasthan Day’?
a) 1st November
b) 30th March
c) 15th April
d) 2nd June

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Correct Answer: b) 30th March
Explanation: Rajasthan Day is celebrated on 30th March. It commemorates the formation of the state of Rajasthan from the merger of several princely states in 1949.

Q7. ‘Haryana Day’ is observed on which date?
a) 1st November
b) 26th January
c) 15th August
d) 2nd October

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Correct Answer: a) 1st November
Explanation: Haryana Day is observed on 1st November. It marks the day in 1966 when the state of Haryana was carved out of the former state of East Punjab on a linguistic basis.

Q8. When do people celebrate ‘Himachal Pradesh Day’?
a) 25th January
b) 15th April
c) 1st November
d) 9th November

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Correct Answer: b) 15th April
Explanation: Himachal Pradesh Day is celebrated on 15th April. It marks the creation of Himachal Pradesh as a full-fledged state in 1948.

Q9. ‘Odisha Day’ also known as ‘Utkala Dibasa’ is celebrated on which date?
a) 1st April
b) 2nd June
c) 15th August
d) 26th January

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Correct Answer: a) 1st April
Explanation: Odisha Day, also known as Utkala Dibasa, is celebrated on 1st April. It commemorates the formation of the state as a separate province on this day in 1936.

Q10. Which state observes its Foundation Day on 21st January?
a) Manipur
b) Tripura
c) Meghalaya
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Manipur, Tripura, and Meghalaya all observe their Foundation Day on 21st January. They became full-fledged states under the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971.

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